The other side

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Twilight: Well hello again readers

Pinkie: we are back and it's time for Rainbow to do her dares

Rainbow: yes!

Twilight: Well one of the dares seems kind of dangerous 

Rainbow: what is it?

Twilight: You have to go to the other dimension and see the other you dating your friends . The dares from @EnderEmpireGirl2

Rainbow: awesome. I get to go to the other side!

Applejack: wait. She gets to go to the other side?

Twilight: Well I don't think it's a good idea

Rainbow: please Twilight!

Twilight: well you might see your counterpart

Rainbow: that's the whole point

Twilight: Fine. Only for a little bit though.

Rainbow: YAY. Time to go. Bye 

The other side:

Rainbow: ow. Am I there already. That was quick

Pinkie: Rainbow Dash. What are you doing on the floor?

Rainbow: Pinkie! What are you doing here! The dare was only for me.

Pinkie: Dare?

Rainbow: Oh wait . You're pinkie pie. From here. Right

Pinkie: well obviously. You think I'm the pinkie pie from Crystal prep?

Rainbow: what? No.

Pinkie: okie dookie!(helps rainbow up) bye rainbow

Rainbow: uhh. Bye . That was weird. What if I bump into AJ or Rarity.( Keeps on trying to walk) how is walking so hard. I should have learned it in 1 minute ( keeps on walking and try's to open CHS main entrance door. ( ugh. How do you open the dang door)

Flutter shy: hi Rainbow Dash

Rainbow: uh. Hi Fluttershy.

Flutter shy: ( goes inside)

Rainbow: oh. That's how you open the door.

Other Rainbow: Look Spitfire. Just let me lead the team for once.

Spitfire: I'll think about it dash.( walks away)

Rainbow: ooh. Trolphies

Other Rainbow: Are you looking At all the awesome trophies I've won

Other Rainbow: Are you looking At all the awesome trophies I've won

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Rainbow: well duh. Who wouldn't 

Other Rainbow: Finally. Someone who understands me!

Rainbow: You're Rainbow Dash?

Other Rainbow: yes. Are you the pony version of me

Rainbow: yes. The one who has wings all day.

Other Rainbow: that is awesome!So Princess Twilght actually let you go through the portal?

Rainbow: Yeah. Mostly cause it was a dare. Thank you EnderEmpireGirl2

Other Rainbow: who's that?

Rainbow: The one who requested the dare.

Zhephr: Dashie. I see you have a twin

Both rainbows: ahhh!😦

other rainbow: First of all don't call me dashie and second of all she's my counterpart from the pony world

Zephyr: Well now I have 2 rainbow Dashes

Rainbow: should we run away

Other Rainbow: yes!( both run away from Zhephr)

Rainbow: phew. That was close.

Other rainbow: Well the 2nd person I hate the most is Soarin Skies

Rainbow: You do? That's weird.

Other Rainbow: I mean he's always bugging me. And he calls me dashie! I only let my best friends Dashie. Not him. How is it weird to hate Soarin?

Rainbow: well in Equestria I don't hate him. He's actually my coltfriend 

Other Rainbow: what's a coltfriend?

Rainbow: Um. Not important. So do you date anyone? You know. Like any of your friends.

Other Rainbow: I'm too awesome to date

Rainbow: so you don't like Soarin one bit?

Other Rainbow: oh heck no!

Rainbow: well, gotta go. Twilight might get worried why I took so long.

Other rainbow: ok. Bye!

Rainbow: bye!

Back in Equestria:

Rainbow: I'm back!

Applejack: finally!

Flutter shy; we were so worried about you dash

Pinkie: so what happened!

Rainbow: well, I met you and fluttershy in human form. You two acted exactly the same.

Twilight: that's true

Rainbow: my counterpart is of course awesome. She is so awesome that she doesn't like anyone. Even Soarin! Isn't that

Twilight: don't say cool

Rainbow: well cool and sad at the same time.

Rarity: well darlings. That's it for today.

Applejack: it's not. We have another chapter coming soon.

Pinkie: very soon

Flutter shy: yay!

Authors note:

EnderEmpireGirl2. Sorry if the chapter wasn't what you were expecting. Really sorry.

Next chapter soon!

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