The letter

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Dear Soarin,

I've admired you for years. I've been hoping you'd notice me. But you haven't. I wish you would pay attention to me. 

I've tried to come up and talk to you several times but either I'm too afraid or you're talking to one of the Wonderbolts.

Incase you don't know who I am, I'm the pony who's always cheered for you at your Wonderbolt shows. The pony who's sent you a hearts and hooves card every year. The pony who secretly waved to you when you've finished your games . 

Maybe. Hopefully. One day we'll be able to be together forever. Because we're meant to be. One day, when you notice me my love. One day. I'll do anything to be with you. Anything!


Your secret admirer.❤️❤️❤️

Soarin: I have a secret admirer? But. I love Dash. Poor pony, whoever sent this. How will I tell Dashie? 


Twilight: So the dare is for Rarity to imitate Rainbow Dash

Rarity: What!

Rainbow: Ha. Revenge for all the times you'd make me wear dresses!

Rarity: But. We're complete opposites! I can't do that! Every pony will think I think dresses are horrible.

AJ: (laughs) 

Rainbow: just do the dare already!

Rarity: Fine. I'm awesome. Take caution. Watch out for me cause I'm awesome as I wanna be! Hey Hey Hey. Awesome as I wanna be

Twilight: Why do I feel like  I heard this somewhere?

Rarity: Yeah I fly to break free yeah I'm flying. I let go in this moment all roads open gonna fly free yeah I'm flying. I was born to fly free.

Rainbow: But you don't have your butterfly wings anymore.

Pinkie: Wait! Singing songs that Rainbow Dash from the other world counts as imitating Rainbow Dash!!!

Flutter shy: Wait. What?

Twilight: I guess so

AJ: okay ya'll. Time for the next dare

Rarity: but I'm not done yet!

Rainbow: Rarity. You are a very bad imitator

Rarity: But-

AJ: No!! 

Twilight: The next dare is from Rose_the_Eevee. The dare is for Pinkie to bake a cheese sandwich and give it to cheese Sandwitch

Pinkie: Okie dokie! 

Few seconds later

Pinkie: Done

Flutter shy: That was quick

Pinkie: Cheesey!

Cheese: Yes

Pinkie: I made you a cheese sandwich

Cheese: Yum! Time to eat ( eats sandwich in 10 seconds flat 😎) 

Pinkie: Did you like it?

Cheese: of course!

Twilight: Ok. Next dare is from ItzFantasticPlayz

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