Flutter cord

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Pinkie: We are back

Rarity: And Fluttershy wants to marry discord 

Fluttershy: Do not 

Twilight: If you didn't why did you say it?

Flutter shy: Cause, it was um....... A uh......... Dare!

Rainbow: Seriously! No one dared you to say that

Pinkie:  but look! We have  a flutter cord dare!

Flutters: What! That can't be!

Pinkie; Yeah. Apparently many ponies ship you with Discord. You didn't know that

Twilight: You know. Just like ponies ship me with Flash or ship Rainbow with Soar-

Rainbow: Don't even say it Twi!

Twilight: Fine.

Pinkie: I ship Fluttercord #FLUTTERCORD !!!!!!!

Flutter shy: (blinks in shock) 

Twilight: So the dare is for Fluttershy to tell Discord I love you as more than a friend

Flutter shy: (flys away)

Discord: I heard my name. What is it? Why is Fluttershy running away?

Pinkie : I ship Fluttercord #FLUTTERCORD !!!!!!!

Rainbow: Fluttershy!!!! 

Flutter shy:(hiding behind bushes outside of twilights castle)


FLUTTERSHY: No he doesn't 

Rainbow: (flys to bring Fluttershy. Brings Fluttershy in castle.)

Flutter shy: Oh. Hi discord

Discord: So Fluttershy. What were you going to say

Flutter shy: Discord. I I Love you 

Discord: Okay

Flutter shy: As more than a friend

Sapphire: (smiles🤗🤗🤗) 

Pinkie: I Ship-

Rainbow: Shhh

Flutter shy: Goodbye( flys away again)

Rarity: You should probably go after her

Discord: Fine (walks slow)

Rainbow: Seriously!!!😡 ( Gets discord and flys him super quick to Fluttershy)

Discord: Fluttershy. All these years I've had tea parties with you, and hung out with you was because I liked you as more than a friend too. I was just too afraid to admit it. If I would've known you liked me too then I would've asked you out on a date years ago

Rainbow : 😒 ( looks like she's about to throw up)

Flutter shy: Really

Discord: yes, really.

Ok. So anyways Fluttershy starts to blush and then they kiss. Sorry. I don't know how to describe that. Rainbow dash faints cause well ever since the Soarindash breakup she's back to hating love. 



Aww. So cute

 So cute

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I hope you loved the chapter!

I ship Fluttercord #FLUTTERCORD

THANK YOU for the dare ItzFantasticPlayz

We have the same OTPs by the way

Sorry for the long wait for such a short chapter. Hopefully I'll update sooner next time. 

Also Guess what!!!!

2K reads 

Ahhhhhhhhhh 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Thank you guys! Thank y'all for reading. I seriously really do appreciate it! I never thought this story was gonna get so many reads. 

Okay. Sapphire out

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