Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

“Laura sweetie, Dinner is ready!” I head Mommy chime from downstairs. Usually she says “Sweeties” as in Mom and I, so I know she must be mad. Somehow I manage to crawl out of my bed and walk downstairs. I look horrible. I’m wearing a hoodie, ripped basketball shorts, and my hair is in a red matted mess on top of my head. When I go downstairs Mommy has a large vegetarian homemade pizza on the table. My mouth instantly begins to water at the onions, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, and melted mozzarella cheese.

“Mommy that looks sooo good!” I exclaim and sit down trying as hard as I can not to drool.

“Thanks sugar, I needed something to relieve my stress. Nothing like kneading some thick dough to alleviate your frustration,” Mommy chuckles a little. I was so into the pizza that I didn’t even take a chance to look at her. Mommy’s hair is still in big rollers, and she has on her sweatshirt, and her shorts. Mommy never wears her own clothes around the house. I know it may sound weird, but I think she feels safer when she has on Mom’s clothes. It’s kind of cute in a way, but I am beyond shocked.

“Where’s Mom?” I ask as she puts away a few dishes and sits down to eat.

“She took a drive…” Mommy replies quietly.

“What’s going on?” I pry and watch her stare at the plate.

“Nothing dear,” She sighs and frowns to herself.

“Mommy you’re lying,” I point out and she starts to tear up a bit.

“We’re just having a bit of an argument,” She confesses trying as hard as she can not to cry more.

“About?” I question. Mommy hates when I question her about stuff like this, but I am concerned.

“It’s just that for the first time in a while I went to the bar with Jack. You remember Ms. Jack right? You know the adorable gay man with the perfectly arched eyebrows and the beautiful makeup?” Mommy asks me and I begin to laugh. Ms. Jack was the first person to teach me how to put on makeup. Mom obviously doesn’t wear makeup, and Mommy believes that she is too beautiful to wear makeup, which she is.

“Yes Mommy, haha I could never forget Ms. Jack and his divaliciousness,” I laugh and I manage to get a chuckle out of Mommy too.

“Well anyway, I went out with him for a few drinks. My drinks were incredibly strong and the bartender happened to be little Miss Hotpants next door. So she talks me into learning a few bartending tricks and I climbed over to learn them. As I’m climbing back she grabs my butt. You know I hate when someone grabs my butt. I was so drunk I threatened to bust a bottle over her head. Anyway, when you and Mom got home I told her what happened and of course she got mad. I had to hold her back because she was going to go over to the neighbor’s house and attack her. Now she’s suspicious of what’s going on when she’s not home and is mad at me,” Mommy explains then puts her head down.

Why is she mad at you? I mean most wives would have gone along with the butt grabbing and not have told their husband or wife,” I point out.

“That’s what I told her. But you know how insecure your Mom can be…I shouldn’t be telling you this sweetie,” Mom sighs then pulls a piece of pizza and nibbles on it.

“Yes you should, I’ll be 18 in less than two weeks Mommy. I know more than I used to. I’m not a little girl anymore,” I remind her and she smiles at me a little.

“I’ve just been really stressed out lately sweetie. Between you going away to college, the fighting, that perv neighbor, and my book pending on publication, I’m about to have a breakdown,” She admits and sets down her slice of pizza.

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