Chapter 17: Damaged

Start from the beginning

"Nothing. I'm just feeling a bit, bleurgh," I said softly,

   "He has a temperature," Tayte said,

"I'm fine. Just let me sleep..." And everything eventually faded out.

Arlo's POV

Keane's eyes closed and he fell into an unconscious state. Tayte's eyes were wide,

   "He's okay. The sleep will do him good,"

"I'm sorry," Tayte then said to me,

   "You don't need to apologise to me Tayte,"

"But I do. Just because things aren't okay with me and your Dad even though the feeling is probably one sided. That doesn't mean I have the right to act like a petulant child, because you don't deserve that and it isn't fair,"

   "You know if you'd had said that to Keane when he was awake we wouldn't have had all this silent treatment," he smiled,

"I'll repeat it once he's awake," he said,

   "No need," Keane whispered. "I love you," Tayte settled himself after that remark and I went to sit down. Dad came over,

"Everything okay?" He asked,

   "It will be," I answered, "Are you okay?"

"I will be," he replied. I smiled,

   "You know I love you Dad," he squeezed my shoulder,

"I know and I love you too,"

The flight was quick, the 5 hours seemed to fly by. Keane slept all but 10 minutes of the journey and was feeling better. Getting through security saw Keane have to remove his boot which pissed him off, but he did so anyhow. We didn't have any checks in bags, we only went with hand luggage, so we were out and all bundled into a taxi by 10.45am. We checked into the AKA White House hotel at 11.15am. Believe it or not Mum and Joey were sharing a room. Two singles of course, Keane and Tayte were obviously in a double and I was sharing a suite with Dad. Despite Keane forgiving Tayte. They hadn't spoken much.

   "You're free to do as you wish until this evening. There is a lunch service in the hotel or you can go out for lunch. We'll be around if you need us, if we're not in the hotel just give any of us a call," Mum said,

"Yes Mum," I said, they nodded and walked off into their respected rooms,

    "Shall I meet you say half past 12 for lunch? I'll knock for you" I suggested,

"Yes, sounds good. You can always come chill sooner if you want too," Keane told me.

   "Thanks bro,"

Keane's POV

   "We are okay aren't we?" Tayte asked as I sat down on the bed.

"Aren't we always babe," I said. He pulled my boot off carefully and led me to the shower.

   "I'm going to talk to Logan,"

"You don't have to do that," I said led on the bed in a towel,

    "I want too. All I see when I look at him is Galvaio. The man who hurt you. The man who hurt us all,"

"I know Tayte. I know that. I know how hard all of this is for you. But it isn't the right time to speak with him okay,"

   "Okay. Fine. I'll wait," he climbed on the bed, crawling over the top of me and dipping down to kiss me. His hand went to pull the towel down,

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