Chapter Four ~ The Day Things Went Wonderfully Wrong

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Six thirty in the morning and Mrs. Andrews was shaking us all awake, and ordering us, kindly but firmly, to brush our teeth, get dressed, and go eat breakfast. We got dressed, brushed our teeth, and hurried into the kitchen. We knew Mrs. Andrews well enough to know that if she tells you to do something, you do it. Mr. Andrews had gotten doughnuts, so we each grabbed one, and jumped into the car.

Half way to the school, Alexis suddenly gasped, "I just remembered something!" She whispered urgently and we all leaned toward her, "The contest drawing is today at three forty!"

I rolled my eyes, "So? Big deal!" They ignored me,

"Oh I hope it's one of us!" Kat squealed, then glanced guilty at me, "I mean, well, not you, um, I meant--"

"It's okay Kat, I get your point." I reassured her, she looked relieved,

"Okay." She mumbled.

"Oh I can't wait until three forty!" Valerie exclaimed,

"I know, right? Let's walk to the mall after school!" Alexis said giddily,

"I think I'll go home and work on the homework we are going to have." I said, but Alexis sent me a death glare,

"You will not. You will come with us to the mall! Or else..." She threatened, then smiled weakly, "Please?"

I sighed, "Fine, but only because I heard about a sale at Hollisters." Mrs. Andrews dropped us off at the student drop off location, two minutes from the Hoover High building.

"Thanks Mrs. A!" we all said as Alexis's Mom handed us four neatly packed lunches. She waved and drove away, off to her job as a bank teller. I walked with my three best friends in the world, up the steps to our good old high school. As soon as we entered the doors, I could feel the excitement hovering around every girl in the school. And they were all excited about the same thing. The contest. How could they get so excited about something only one girl will win?! They'll all just get mad at the lucky winner, hate her for the next three weeks, get over it in three weeks, and be best buds with the girl. I rolled my eyes, ridiculous.

The same thing had happened the time a contest was held for one lucky girl to go meet and be a back up dancer for Big Time Rush, personally I thought BTR was a joke. Kat had almost died when she had found out the winner wasn't her, she had moped around for two weeks, crying randomly, yeah, crazy. Anyway, we soon reached our homeroom, well My, Alexis and Valerie's homeroom, Kat's homeroom was a little bit farther down the hall. My teacher, Mr. Porter, had to tell the girls three times to be quiet before they listened. The rest of the day went by pretty much like a normal day would, except for the fact that every girl had on an 'I love British Boys' shirt or 'I love Harry' or whatever. Alexis got four million compliments on her nails, and Macy had every girl in the school following her around because she had worn her 1D shoulder bag and kept saying how it was the 'talk of the fashion world'.

The school bell rang and the mob that ran down the hall was unlike anything I'd ever seen, I heard our principle saying, "If we said that One Direction was preforming outside, our fire drills would go a lot faster!"

Alexis grabbed my hand and we found Valerie and Kat waiting outside by the curb. "Come on! Let's go before every standing place in the mall is taken!" Kat yelled, we ran all the way to the mall. And somehow managed to find four places to stand inside 'Everything Nice'. As we waited, I decided to go check out the sale at Hollisters. I entered the store and immediately fell in love with a cute little shoulder bag with a green and purple owl on it.

I payed the cashier and was just walking back toward 'Everything Nice', when a man's voice boomed across the whole mall, "The contest for one lucky winner to meet and travel with One Direction-"

Girls started screaming and the man had to wait until they quieted down before continuing, "Will now take place!" More screaming and I ducked through the crowd until I found Alexis standing next to the dressing rooms that no one was using.

"You found us!" She laughed,

"Yeah! I almost thought I'd lost you! This is crazy!" I shouted back, Alexis said something but I couldn't hear her over the screams of girls everywhere. Then a lady in a cute yellow dress entered the room and walked toward a stage that had been temporarily set up for the occasion.

"Hello ladies!" She said brightly, "I'm so glad you could all join us! As you know, there is to be a drawing," She paused and let the screams die down, "I won't make you wait any longer, so here goes!" She reached he long, perfectly manicured hand into a big, glass ball, and a silence fell over the room. She fingered around for a little, so much for saying she wouldn't keep us waiting, I thought Alexis might faint from the suspense!

Finally she pulled a piece of paper from the bowl and read into the microphone, "Diana Sparks?!"

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