CHAPTER 1: A New Rival

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"We're here!" Dad said as he brought the car to a stop in front of the almighty St Edwards College gate.
"Bye Dad!!" I said and hopped out of the car. I was almost at the gate when he called my name.
'Don't forget to trap hearts...' He whispered, making me roll my eyes.
My father is one of a kind... Really! And it annoys me sometimes.
"Seriously?" I scoffed, "I already told you guys that I'm not ready for love games and all the drama that comes with it. As you all know, I worked my brain out just to achieve this scholarship and I don't need any unwanted distractions. Period!"
Dad gave his goofy laugh. "You're just saying all this because you haven't been in love before. Love is crazy and you can't stop the heart from loving someone. The heart wants what it wants. Just wait and see, when you meet the right person, you'll finally understand what I've been trying to tell you. I'm speaking from experience, this happened to me when I met..."
Not again! He's gonna start his love history with mom now!!
"Whatever you say, Love Doctor." I cut in to save myself. What kind of father advises his daughter to trap hearts? I quickly dashed inside the school.
Waaa... This school is huge!!
I brought out the school map which was sent to me and searched for the Principal's office. I was so engrossed in the map that I didn't realize someone was walking straight towards me. 'Thud', I fell butt first to the hard floor. My books scattered around and I quickly picked them up.

"Are you blind?!!" The most annoying voice I've ever heard screamed.
I raised my head up to find a pretty blonde, fake maybe, glaring hard at me. Two other girls were standing behind her, giving me 'pity looks'.
"I'm sorry" I apologized and stood up from the floor. I tried walking past her only for me to be dragged back, making me fall butt first to nth floor again!
Now I'm losing it. Who's this bitch?! I look around and noticed students gathering around with some recording the scene with their phones.
Great...Just great! First day gone totally wrong!!
I Sighed deeply, trying to hold in my anger, today is my first day and I don't want any trouble whatsoever. I decided to do what I thought was right. I stood up, dusted my cloth, picked up my bag pack and apologized again.
Making an attempt to go my way when she dragged me back and before I could register what was happening, a hard slaonresounded on my cheek.
Being the baddass that I was, I retaliated with not one, not two, but there hot slaps on her cheeks.
There were murmurs like 'Ooh'
'She slapped Kathie?'
'She's so in for it!' From the crowd of students gathered around.
I ignored them and faced the bitch. "What more do you want? I apologized to you twice but still... You're not satisfied? Just for your information, my name's Gillian Galilea and no one... I repeat, no one messes with a Galilea and goes Scott free" I said my piece and walked away, purposely bumping shoulders with her.
I don't care who she is or thinks she is, she should never dare to try me again.


Katherine couldn't believe that someone would have the guts to raise their hands at her.

"My cheeks sting like hell! Is her hand made of steel?" She mumbled to herself. "This idiot doesn't know what she's just gotten herself into".
"Daisy... Kaira!" She yelled and her two friends who were more like her slaves quickly ran up to her. "Make sure to delete this scene from the CCTV footages. I don't care how you'll do it" She snapped and they both scurried away.
'I'm guessing that bitch is a new student, I have to let her know who's boss around here'
What Katherine didn't know was that she could erase the CCTV footage but the student already knew that she had a New Rival now.

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