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Ringggg ... the stupid alarm clock rang again.
I groaned as I ran my hand over the bedside drawer. Once I found the clock, I threw it away and heard a thud.
'Mom... another clock had been murdered' My annoying younger sister, Crisabel yelled probably from the dinning.

I sighed and sat up, soon I was dozing off again. My mind kept  whispering something that I couldn't grasp.

 What the....? I'm late!!!

I shot out from bed like someone who just woke up from a nightmare, I can't believe I woke up late! Today is my first day at my dream school, 'St Edwards college'.

I went into the en-suite to do my morning duties. Few minutes later,  I was done . A white towel was wrapped around my body. I rummaged through my closet and finally settled for a blue fuzzy top, a denim jean and black cowboy boots.

'Good morning mom' I greeted as I got to the dinning and she muttered a reply. 'What's for breakfast?'

'Blue berry muffins and orange juice' She answered

Sweet... my fav!

'Guess who's early on her first day of school' Crisabel teased and I shot her a glare. I picked a muffin and just as I was about to take a bite, my dad came out from his room.

Great!! Now I won't even  have breakfast .Dad has a 'no-breakfast' rule that he follows.

'Don't tell me I'm not allowed to eat' I grumbled

'Of course you are ... but that will be in the car' Dad replied and I sighed  as i went out to the car.

'Bye princess...bye sweet!' he said to Crisabel and mom then came out, 'Must you always forget your bag?'

'Whatever!' I said and rolled my eyes. St Edwards, here I come!!!


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