CHAPTER 3: Daughter Of A Nobody

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Daisy pushed open the cafeteria door, the mini bell ringing in accordance. I stepped into the cafeteria and everywhere became silent immediately.
I smirked. This is what I love... To be feared. Power sure feels good.
"Daisy! Ketchup and fries with a freshly made orange juice" I ordered and she scurried off to get it done. I could have sent Kaira but she's carrying my bag and besides, she's too slow and clumsy.
"Make it clean!" I snapped at her and she quickly tucked out the hem of her school shirt. She cleaned my seat with it. I actually have my own spot at the cafeteria. Why wouldn't I? My father owns this school.
Daisy soon brought my order and placed it before me on the table. Just as I was about to pick a fry,  the door bell made its usual 'ding' sound, signifying someone's entrance.

I looked up and my eyes met with Andre's. I flashed him my best smile but he ignored always. I really can't figure out why he doesn't worship me like other guys do. I threw a dirty glare at his stupid friend Gemma. She's the only one who's close to Andre, both in and out of the school. I also want to be that close to him too. She glared back at me and sashayed away. I then sighted the bitch from this morning behind her.

'Hmm. How about I take my sweet revenge now?'

I stretched out my leg, in attempt to make her fall and embarrass herself but she surprisingly stood on my outstretched leg instead. I winced in pain as she added more pressure, making my leg hurt more. She smirked triumphantly and followed Gemma.

She really has some nerves!
"That daughter of a nobody! I sure will find a way to deal with her. And it has to be soon" I vowed.

I really can't believe that girl could behave so childish. What she does not know, is that I'm not someone that can be bullied. Instead, I'd be the one doing the bullying.

"What would you guys have? Let me do the honors of grabbing your orders" Gemma volunteered as Andre and I took our seats.
"Blueberry muffins and plain sweetened yoghurt" Andre and I said at the same time. This time around, even I couldn't help but chuckle too.
"Jinx!" We both said again.
Gemma gave us a kind of look that says 'weirdos' before walking off to get our orders.
I settled into the comfy chair then glanced again at the blonde girl.
"Who's that fake blonde girl over there?" I asked Andre.
He chuckled. "She's a fake blonde alright! That's Katherine Sennotte, the only daughter of Sir Edward Sennotte who is the owner of this school" He explained.

So that is why she's all bitchy. But according to news I've heard, her dad us the exact opposite. Always a giver and never proud. I wonder if he's aware of his daughter's behavior at school.
I noticed Andre staring at me and raised questioning brows. He blushed a bit as he averted his eyes.

What? So not cute!
There was an awkward silence around us before he decided to speak.

"I like what you did to her earlier"he said.

"Her who?" I inquired.
"Her Katherine" He threw back.
I gasped. How many people know about this now? I won't be surprised if the whole school knew about it.
"You were there?" I asked the obvious, earning an eye roll from him.

"Yup" He answered still.
Well... She deserved it. I gave a proud smirk.


Finally!! The school bell rang, signifying closing hours.
I packed my books from the desk into my bag. "Gem... Where did she go now?" I wondered. She was just beside me a few minutes ago.

I noticed her running out of the class. It was as if she was in a hurry. I quickly ran after her, wanting to know why she's in so much hurry to go home.

"Gemma! Wait up!!" I called when I realized I wouldn't be able to catch up to her. She was that fast.

That still didn't make her stop. She only waved her hand in the hair.

"She's late for work". Andre suddenly said behind me. When did he get here? He was also running.
"If she doesn't make it to work in time, her dad will  literally roast her alive". And with that, he dashed past me and soon caught up to her.

"Come on, I'll drop you off" I heard him say to her and they both increased their pace.
When I finally got to the school gate, all I could see was smoke and both of them zooming off on a power bike.

"Bye?!" I mumbled.


I finally let out a breath of relief as the company's building came into view. I practically jumped off Andre's bike without waiting for him to come to a stop. My action earned a surprised yelp from him.
"Sorry Andre. I'm just nervous and scared" I admitted.
"Should I come with you?"He asked.
As if dad would care. Even if I come with Almighty God, my punishment can never be avoided. I waved him off and entered the company.


Dad can never pardon my lateness... Never! By the time I got to the office, the meeting with the important clients was almost over. With a glare from him, I reluctantly sat down on my reserved seat.

And now, it's judgment time!!

"You're too clumsy Ms Boston! And never early to any of the important meetings. What's your excuse this time?" he yelled.

What? You expect me to reply him? Ha! That'd only make the situation worse.

"Is it school work? Extra classes? Detention? Boyfriend?" He kept yelling out supposed excuses. That last one gave him out though.

"I'm sorry Mr. Boston. What made you think a boyfriend would be part of my excuses? You're never a surprise Sir. Please do give me my punishment. I'd gladly endure anything you say" I spoke calmly, my first sentence since he called me into his office.

He flashed me a smirk, a smirk that gave me the creeps. Whatever dad was planning to punish me with, I can already tell I wasn't going to like it.

"The company is about to strike a deal with Kendall Enterprises. We're meant to have finalized everything with a business lunch with Mr Kendall but he's currently out of town. So... He proposed the idea of having the lunch with his  eighteen year old son, Jamal. Since an old man like me can't probably waste my time going on a lunch with a boy old enough to be my son, you'll have to go represent me" He explained, that foolish smirk still plastered on his face. If only I could wipe it off.

I could read past through his bossy expression but I was not going to complain. It's only gonna be for business purposes to me.
"Alright sir. Have the details of the business lunch sent to me. I'd make sure to finalize the deal" I said. And with that, I walked out of his office.

Two can play at this game Mr Boston.

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