Lane - Chapter 5: Elite Training 110

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After Advance Tactics 321, which took a lot for me not to die of boredom in, we went to lunch. As much as I hated being bound to Randal and Kalvin, I was quickly growing accustomed, possibly numb, to their presence. Not that it really mattered. I didn't have a choice to leave even if I so chose.

For lunch we all had a pretty basic meal, burgers with fries. While we ate we sat in silence. When we all finished we left for our Biology of Beasts. It was yet another class I tried my hardest not to die in. Luckily there were some beautiful ladies that made occupying my time easy. Plus we had been on time, surprisingly. No riff-raff or stupid drones telling us that "we're not valid" or anything such as. After that class we made our way to our Elite Training 110 class and the day was almost over.

We were a short distance from the door when I decided to break the silence that still remained after lunch. "I hope this is not some lame-ass lecture class like the last two. Or, if it is, I hope there are some lookers around."

Keagan nodded in agreement.

We stepped into the classroom.

Someone called heads. I didn't know where it came from but how it sounded made me instantly go into a defensive state-of-mind. I conjured a shield that guarded the four of us. There was the sound of fire burning, spreading across my shadow shield.

What the hell?

The force behind the fire seemed to increase.

"I can't hold this much longer..." I felt my strength being sapped from me.

Kalvin spoke. "Keagan get ready. When I say let go Lane, do so. Keagan as soon as he does that I need you to build an earth wall around us. Be sure to cover the top too."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Keagan glowered at the fox.

"Listen to him, damn it!" I hated having to listen to him just as much as Keagan but I also didn't feel like being fried to a crisp.

"Let go!"

I dropped my shadow barrier. On queue Keagan slammed stomped on the ground then shot his arms out. He was too slow though. The fire hit us. Or it would have. Randal had wrapped around each of us a swirling sphere of water.

"Winds dance for me!" An oddly familar voice sounded.

"Dodge!" Kalvin shouted!

We each jumped. We got split up in rather unfortunate pairs. I was with Kalvin and Keagan with Randal.

What's going on...?

"Heh! Well look what the cat dragged in." An earthy yet fiery rumble of a voice spoke with tainted sarcasm.

"Is this not splendid? I wonder who allowed such degenerates in here..."

That voice... I know that voice... I FUCKING hate that voice...

"Winston Travis..." I saw who it was that attacked us.

"Oh, come now. No need to be so harsh, especially for such a cute thing like you." A girl with a finely shaped face spoke giving a rather impish smile.

"Oh... if it isn't the queen of theatrics too... Trinity Adams... If you two are here... Then those flames must have been..."

Keagan's words were tainted with a hate from the bowels of hell. "Dorien... son of Dawn..."

"That's enough of that. Fall in line! Immediately soldiers!"

"Who the hell are you to...?"

There was the sound of electricity then a bolt hit me in the chest. I flew back skidding on the ground.

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