chapter six.

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[ turn the music on to get the best experience. ^^]


I was inside this dark hell, alone. It was suffocating. I was crying hard, punching on the door.

A minute felt like hours. I couldn't even call someone.

The words of that freaky man was literally going on my head, it was full of terror. The voice of him was so much familliar.

But I couldn't recognize it particularly. To be the countermeasurer of my class, I go by a bunch of student per day.

But I didn't thought about that. The most important thing for me was to get out of here.

I kept slamming on the door, calling out Taehyung.

The suffocating feeling of the darkness was eating me out. I was crying hard, for what I was losing more energy. My vision was getting more and more blurry.

Time was running out.


Taehyung POV.

It was really hard to memorize this. Wait, Y/N?

I switched on my phone. It was damn one hour she left me.

I went to check outside. It was so dark, I managed to turn the torch of my phone and walk forward. Somehow I heard faint crying noise, and that sounded familiar.

It was calling out my name.

I went running towards the restroom.

It was Y/N. WHAT?

“Y/N? Are you in there? Y/N!?” I kept screaming, making sure it was her.

“Taehyung... Get me out...” Her fading voice was making me terrified.

I rolled the doorknob. It was locked.

“Y/N wait! I am doing something! Don't pass out!” I went running to the storeroom. Which was at the first floor.

“Where's the axe? Darn it.” I kept finding it, making the room a total mess.

“She can't pass out.” I kept thinking, my hand touched a stack of wood. I pulled it, it was the axe.

Holding it tight, I went upstairs.

Coming in front of the restroom, I targeted on the core of the knob. Giving it a few hits, it broke.

I pushed it and opened the door but it wasn't opening. I guess because Y/N was lying against it on the other side.

I gently pushed it again. The room was totally dark and looked horrible.

I turned the lights, finding Y/N passed out.

“Y/N! Please wake Upp!” I got panicked as I saw her pale, unconscious face.

I pulled her head on my lap, patting her cheeks for several times. No response was there.

I thought about something.



I got that blurry vision. The place seemed familiar.

Wait. Where am I?


Enjoy guys. uWu.

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