Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 14

Start from the beginning

"No you won't you always find a way out of this and run away and guess who cleans it up? Uss the maids" She yelled at me causing me to widen my eyes not expecting her to burst like that. "You're just a newbe who only knows how to cry like a fucking baby" She taunted shocking me.

"Duri?" Jisoo stood up shocked at the girl's behavior since she's usually calm and collected. "WHAT??" Duri snapped looking at Jisoo. "I'm not saying anything wrong. She's just a stupid crybaby" She said pointing at me.

"DURI" A musclaine voice yelled causing all of of us to jump even Duri. I looked up to see Kris glaring at Duri's back as he walked over to us. Duri flinched as she turned around to face him with her head down. "Master" She addressed him still looking at the floor probably scared of him.

"What did I just hear come out of your mouth?" He asked clamly which just made him look even scarier than when he's yelling. I felt my heart beat faster at the scary situation and I felt like I should do something because I'm sure Duri had a reason to say what she said.

"I-I-I" She couldn't even form one word as her body shook from fear still not daring to look up from the floor. "It was nothing Kris" I said walking closer to him and held his arm feeling his tense muscles under my fingers relax for a second before they tensed again as Duri looked up at him but still not in the eyes.

"It wasn't nothing Hailey" He said a little softer still glaring at the shaking maid. "Why would you say something like this to her?" He asked moving the arm that I held to wrap it around my waist making Duri look down at it and glare at his arm.

She's in love with him. I thought finally realizing the situation that was happening. She's jealous that me and Kris confessed and had sex but I myself don't know what that makes us since we still haven't talked about this.

"Let it go Kris" I said placing my hand on his chest trying to calm him down. "I was only saying the truth sir" Duri finally spoke more strongly her jealousy taking over and covering her fear which seemed to be a little late since I can see how furious Kris was and I was fearing for this girl's life especially after what I saw from this mafia.

"The truth?" Kris asked taking a step forward towards her but I pushed him back gently using my hand on his chest. "Yes because all she does is cry and whine about her fiancé and she becomes everyone's favorite while us maids the ones who work for you willingly gets treated like trash all the time" She said looking at him with fire in her eyes.

"All she does is act like a baby and she gets your attention and after serving you for years you barely know anything about me other than my name" She said angrily before stormingg off. Kris was about to follow her but I stood in front of him with both of my hands on his chest pushing him back.

"Please stop Kris" I pleaded as his tense muscles started to relax under my touch. "It's fine" I looked up at him to see him looking after her with a glare. "It's not fine" He said pushing my hands off of him gently before storming off.

"What do you think he's gonna do to her?" I asked turning to the two girls standing behind me. Both of them shrugged their shoulders seconds before a gun shot was heard in the house making us jump and look at the door wide eyed.

"DON'T COME CLOSER" Duri's voice echoed after the gun shot and running was heard. She stopped in front of the living room's door with a gun pointing at something in front of her. All of the other guys appeared beside her with their gun out pointing at her but none of them was able to shoot because as I'm guessing she was pointing her gun at Kris.

She looked beside her at us with an icy glare as she looked over our frozen figures. She backed away from the guys and into the living room where all ou us girls were at making me feel nervous of what to come.

"Why are you doing this Duri?" Luhan asked confused but he was still sharp and gun up loaded and ready to shoot any second. "Because nobody knows what I've been through because of this mafia and yet you still treat me like trash" She said as Kris took his place beside the other guys with his gun out and reacy too.

"I've been in love with Kris for the past ten years and treated him like a king but he still didn't love me back and the second this crybaby walks through the door he falls head over heels" She said and pointed her gun at me making my stomach twist and for my whole body to freeze as she glared at me.

"Duri put down the gun" Kris's calm voice cut through the silence that fell over the whole house for a couple of seconds. "Hailey has nothing to do with this" He spoke again trying to walk closer slowly.

"Stop" She said loudly stopping him in his tracks as she pulled my sleeve to move which I did and she covered her body with mine since I was a little bit taller than her and placed the gun at my head. "What is so pretty about her?" She asked looking me up and down.

"I would have said because she was a foriegner but we have those in the sex hall in Korea and the other house in France and even in the other mension here so that can't be it" She shook her head.

Sex hall? Other houses? What the hell is going on? Do they also own sex slaves of their own that they use for sex? They obviously do with the way these places were named.

I looked at the guys pleading them to do something before I have a panic attack from the dangerous weapon that has been pointed at my head for the past five minutes.

She started backing up while pulling me back with her. When we reached the end of the room she opened the huge window and started climbing out of it with the gun still pointed at my head.

When she was fully out with only her hand in with the gun in it pointed at my head she looked up and at Kris right in the eyes which is something I myself sometimes fear to do. "Do you love her?" She asked pushing the gun against my head making the gun hit my head forcing it to move a little to the other side and a bit of pain to shoot through my skull.

When she didn't get the answer she wanted or an answer at all she growld and shot in the air hitting just beside the door frame making both Jisoo and Joy let out screams and pull each other closer hugging each other tightly as they flinched back a step.

"ANSWER ME" She yelled angrily glaring harder at Kris who for the first time did seem scared a little. "Yes" He answered immedatily. "Nobody ever was able to make you do something before but here you are letting your wall down to her after only two months" She said sadley.

"I'm not done with you" She whispered harshly in my ear pulling at my hair to make me title my head back so her lips could reach my ear. I let out a yelp at the pain but what happened next wasn't expected at all.

Another gun shot was heard before she let me go and ran away towards the woods just beside the house. Only when Kris yelled my name and started running towards me did I feel the hot pain through my right shoulder and the dizzines that hit me like a truck making me stumble and I almost fell to the floor face first if Kris didn't reach me right on time to catch me right before I collapsed.

He sat on the floor on his knees with me between his arms. "Hey Hailey look at me" He said patting my cheek with his hand before using that same hand to put presure on my now bleeding shoulder making me gasp as more pain shot through my body. I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier each passing second. "Hey hey hey  keep your eyes open" He said but his voice was like it was under water and the last thing I heard was "LAY GET HERE FAST" Before everything turned black.

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