Chapter 6 - School and training

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A/N: some of the references might be Australian so sorry! And sorry for not updating! and the pic Is of Avery!!


Olive's P.O.V

"Yay I get to go to school!" I exclaimed!

"Yes you will be going to the local school it goes from R - 12" Adam explained.


"You start tomorrow."


"I will get Alesa to buy your stationary and other necessities for school."

"Don't bother! I have everything!"


"Umm, Look for the bare necessities

The simple bare necessities

Forget about your worries and your strife"

I started to sing badly as i walked away.



"How did you get the stuff"

"I brought it when I was at the orphanage."

"Fine now go, i presume you have videos to make!"


"Go child, run"



"And that was the amazing Superheros unlimited mod, anyways comment who your favourite superhero is in general, mine is the badass Black widow and the sexy beast called Captain America!!! I LOVE ALL THE AVENGERS!!! Yeah so,

Love you guys and Olive out!"

I ended the recording and sighed.

It was late and I had school tomorrow so I went to bed dreaming on what my future would be, I dreamt that my life was a book ( ;) ) that a weird dream...


"This is your schedule for the next year and here is the code to your locker!" the nice lady at the front desk said handing me the things I needed.

"Thankyou and have a nice day" I replied trying to be polite.

"You too," she said smiling.

I walked off to find my locker, while doing so I checked my schedule:


8:45 - 9:00 Homeroom

9:00 - 10:30 English

10:30 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 11:40 Maths

11:40 - 12:10 P.E (sports)

12:10 - 12:40 Break

12:40 - 1:20 History

1:20 - 2:00 Geography

2:00 - 3:00 Home ec

"Cool," I said to myself.

I walked down the hall and saw a girl about my age with brown hair being pushed against the lockers by a blond girl and her possy.

"Go kill yourself, you idiotic, freak! Nobody loves you!" The girl said.

"Leave me alone" the girl was holding her head as she whimpered.

"Hey, what right do you have to say that stuff to her!" I exclaimed walking up to the girl with blond hair.

"You must be the new girl! You are probably as dumb as the rest" she said smugly.

"What right do you have to say that stuff to me and this girl, answer me!" I was going to stick up for this girl for as long as I had to.

"Just leave us alone, dumb ass"

"Why don't you, just go away and i will be happy and think about why you would say those things because personally i would have to say that your so bloomin' self-absorbed that you care for no one but yourself i would have to wonder why anyone would want to be friends with you! and you have NO right to speak to this girl again! is that clear and if you really want someone to pick on to make yourself feel so good in, right?"

She remained silent.

"That's what I thought now go, toodles," I said waving my hand at her! She stormed of angrily and I just cracked up laughing, I swear I heard her mumble "Bitch".

The other girl started laughing as well!

She came up to me and said sincerely,

"Thankyou maybe they won't bully me anymore!"

"My pleasure" I replied.

I and her hung out for the rest of the day! I even got to meet some of her friends! Oh and her name is Avery she's really nice so are her friends. Firstly there Jacob who is the idiot of the group, Next there Rose who's just funny she is also extremely nice, lastly there is Jackson he is SO sweet!

I took a test to see what grade I am going to be in I think I aced it!


"How was school?" Alesa asked,

"Great I made four new friends!"

"That's wonderful! All of the adults are going out tonight for a Team crafted Dinner/Meeting with the owners of Gunnars sun glasses want to do a photo shoot so they need to discuss it. All the other girls and I are going to so you will be home alone is that fine?"

"Of course! What time are you leaving and what time are you coming back?"

"We are leaving at 7:00 and will be back around ten".



"We'll be back soon!" said Uncle Benja.

"KK, have a splendid time!"

"Will do youngling" Benja said ruffaling my hair.

"Bye!" i said as i waved them goodbye.

I closed the door and sighed. Maybe I could train while there gone...

I walked out into the forest and to a lake that I had found.

I looked at the starry sky as it was night and sat down at the edge of the lake.

I controlled the water making all different shapes it swirled around me. It was a beautiful sight.

The water disappeared and fire took over its place I made fireballs and through them up in the sky. the earth rose me up it the sky so I was standing on a pillar/pyramid of rock. Finally, everything stopped. I Spread my arms in the air and flew up into the air. I looked over the city all the lights were shining. It was an amazing sight. I came back down and to lay down on the soft grass which grew flowers around me I just stared at the sky. But suddenly I sensed danger. I stood up a whipped around. Then I heard.

"Olive, You should know you can never hide from a hunter".


Cliffhanger! Oh and the picture is of Avery!

Sorry, again for not updating sooner!


Olive out! ;)

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