Q/A special!

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Today's chapter is a Q/A

This chapter is dedicated to @PrincessOfH3artz for being a great supporter and commenting first on my last chapter!

I'm going to do a twenty questions type of thing!

So lets get started!

1. I am from Australia

2. I have a rare condition that less than 300 people in the world have called CMTC

3. I am obsessed with Divergent and Avengers!

4. My favourite movie is Blended

5. I was born on 30th August 2002 making me 12 but it's only 2 weeks till I'm 13!

6. My favourite Wattpad book is Falling for the enemy by @Marvel_Mockingjays

7. I watch YouTubers that vary from Skydoesminecraft to Tyler Oakley

8. I have a mild crush on Thomas sanders!

9. I am fat, obese?

10. My favourite TV show is Arrow or a on season series called forever! (Pls message me if you know of it!)

11. My IRL fav book would have to be the divergent series or the Nancy Drew series!

12. My favourite food is chocolate, ice cream and butter chicken!

13. My real name is Olivia

14. My Favourite type of music is pop!

15. My favourite singer is Taylor Swift

16. My favourite song is Shut up and dance by Walk the moon!

17. I was in a Acapella group for two days.

18. I play piano and sing/ song write!

19. I have performed Titanium on front of 300 people

20. I have had over 30 operations

Comment if you found that interesting!

Also comment if you have any strange facts!

Thanks, and...

Olive Out! ❤❤❤

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