Chapter 2 - meeting the team & a little surprise

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Chapter 2 - meeting the team & a little surprise

I know that some people are no longer in team crafted but for this they are.

~~~~ Adam's P.O.V ~~~~

This girl is hell funny and smart she can relate EVERY single video ive ever made AND every tweet! Also she knows the whole periotic table, can recite Shakespeare and knows how to spell the hardest words. She's awsome.

~~~~ Olive's P.O.V ~~~~

OMG the house is HUGE! Also its got a gigantic pine forest out the back And I cant wait to meet team crafted!

I walked in and was swamped by all the members of the the team they pulled me in for a hug after like 5 minutes we separated. They started introducing them selves and like mid way I just cracked up laughing! They all just looked at me weirdly. After ten weird minutes of me laughing and them stareing at me. I finally was able to introduce myself I said "I'm Olive nice to meet you and I know who you guys are! Ha lol!" Then they all cracked up laughing. "You are SO funny!", exclaimed Jerome (#weird)

"Come on guys lets show her her room!", exclaimed Adam. So we went up the stairs and I noticed that they had elevator! "OMG you guys have an elevator! Thats awsome!" I said. We went to my room and when Adam opened the door I squealed because it was like my DREAM bedroom. It had white carpet with a white bed that had a purple enderman bed sheet. A nice big desk with a computer recording station it had everything there were shelves filled with anything minecarft I noticed a plushie of my skin I chuckled at the sight of it. I had a HUGE walk in robe with a bathroom attached .

I yelled "this is hell amazing guys thank you now what do I call you guys? Do I call sky dad and the rest of you my uncles?"

"Yep I'm glad you like the room!" Adam said.

I then said "Well I will call Jerome Uncle Fluffy, Mitch uncle Benja, Quentin Uncle Fish -" I was cut off by Uncle fish saying "I'm a amphibian not a fish!". I just laughed then continued.

"Ty Uncle lox, Ian Uncle Sundae and Jason I'm calling Uncle Mu! I finished then they all went into a laughing fit. Mitch said "We should let you unpack then we'll show you our favourite YouTubers!" Then they left. I realised i was still wearing my wig and contacts. I was going to to wear them for a little bit longer. I finished unpacking and walked down stairs to where they were chatting. "Hey your ready to watch our favourite youtubers? We will watch the top three favourites!" Ian exclaimed they all huddled around the big laptop and they got up pewdiepie on youtube " he's our 3rd favourite youtuber" said Ty and watched a couple of his videos. All laughing along next came Jackfilms "He's our second favourite" stated the fish. We watched 'your grammar sucks' and 'Jackask' then came their first favourite "Our first favourite is DerrpyOliveFTW! She's so funny!" Adam exclaimed. They went onto my channel and watched some skits and my minecraft videos.I was freaking out inside I was there favourite YouTuber! OMG!

An idea popped into my head i told them i had to go to the toilet and to keep watching the videos. I walked to my bedroom took my contacts out and looked at my crystal blue eyes and i then walked back to where we were watching the videos. I walked behind them and said " guys turn around i want to show you something" and as they turned around i pulled my wig off. "OMG YOUR DERRPYOLIVEFTW!!!!!!!" They said together. They looked dumb folded.

"The one and only!" I said.

They all stood up and pretty much started to fanboy to me i eventually quietened them down i sat down on my chair and Adam asked

"Why did you dye a streak of blue in your hair".

I answered with "It is natrual and im going to bed goodnight" and i walked off and got ready for bed then went to bed and drifted off into a sleep with sweet dreams.

~~~~ Adam's P.O.V ~~~~

"Wow!" I said i was just a tad shocked that i had adopted my favourite youtuber. But i wonder why she wears a wig and contacts?


Thanks my derrpys for reading and sorry for not updating sooner have been very busy

Bye 😎😋😈

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