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Trigger Warning::Explicit content sexual content BDSM/rape vibes

That was our last night together in the wilds. Our hike the following day would take us into an official campsite that was monitored and maintained by rangers. I feared he would pull away from me as we were finally in a place where other people could be found. He did but only slightly. We held hands and talked lightly along the trail that day. It was relaxing and fun to just exist in the same wide open space.

I found it very interesting that he was actually a talker. I had him pegged for the silent type, but it took a lot of my energy to shut him up once he got going. We stopped several times along the trail because he was simply talking too much.

"So we'll be camping in a regulated campground tonight?"

"Yes, I reserved the one the furthest away from the other campsites," I told him thinking that he would want seclusion from prying eyes. He was such a private person.

"Oh. Okay. Why?"

"I actually prefer to stay away from most people I don't know. I figure I'm a friendly face. If I want company I can always reach out to others for it. Besides. I have a guitar and I am not afraid to use it."

He laughed heartily at that. "You shouldn't be." That was an amazing compliment. I thanked him, then kissed him quickly. He licked his lips and smiled. "So if I said you have a lovely voice, would you kiss me again?"


"You do have a lovely voice." I laid a tender kiss on his lips. His fingers whispered across my cheek and to my ear. He held the kiss a little longer and slowly pulled away. "I love the color in your eyes." I didn't wait. I kissed him again, scooting a little closer to him. Our kiss broke loudly. He was all smiles. "I love the sunlight in your hair, how it shines, brown and gold." My lips found his again. My tongue slipped between them. He welcomed it into his mouth with a soft masculine moan. His hand found my back and pulled me closer to him still. "You are so strong and beautiful." I kissed him hard, crushing his lips to mine and fighting for air. He slipped his hands into my shirt. They felt so good against my skin. I was already a hot mess. Hiking wasn't going to be pleasant in that state. He didn't stop pulling at me as he slid his hands down my hips.

As he pulled me closer to him, I followed his careful lead. He pulled me into his lap and I willingly followed. I settled my body over his. I wasn't a bit surprised to find him hot and hard through his jeans. "That seems a little uncomfortable," I said as I broke our kiss for a brief moment. He recaptured my lips almost violently and growled somewhere deep in his throat.

"It is. Do you think maybe you could take care of it for me?"

"What would you like for me to do about it," I whispered gently in his ear before I pushed his hair off his neck so that I could taste the salt of his sweat on it.

"We are still alone out here. Layout the small blanket." I looked at him. Those beautiful eyes found mine and a slow smile crept into them. "Do I need to ask twice?"

"You didn't ask."

"No, I didn't. That was not a request. Is it okay?" He was such a sweet combination of hard and soft.

I kissed him gently. I knew better but I had to ask. "Do you want me to call you Daddy?" My smile was in my eyes as I spoke. It shifted and escaped me when he did.

"Oh God no! Not that. Just do what I told you, or don't." He raised a brow as he looked at me.

"If I don't?" I dared.

"We'll be picking dirt and debris out of your hair all the way into camp and I can't imagine what the small sticks and liter from the trees will feel like on your backside. Put the blanket on the ground." He looked at me, those green eyes were hard for just a second. "Please. It hurts."

I took the blanket from his backpack and started to spread it on the ground. I nearly screamed when his hands closed around my hips. "You are moving too slow." He growled and pulled me hard against him, he had to be dying in those pants. He bit my ear. If I hadn't recognized his voice, he would have been on his back in an instant with my fist a hair's breadth away from his nose. But I knew it was him. I knew what he wanted. I hoped I was ready. We hadn't discussed any games. I wasn't sure if he would know if he took it too far.

"Avriel," I gave him his name in a tone that said I wanted his attention, "if you hear your middle name, please stop."

"What about the other names you call me?" His tone was normal, soft and soothing.

"Don't stop. Just your middle name. Okay?"

"Yes Ma'am. My middle name. You'll call me that directly?"

"Yes. Agreed?" I don't know what I expected him to do or how he would decide to treat me. I was a lot wanton and a little frightened.

"Yes. Thank you. I wonder if anyone would hear you scream out here." Those were the last words he said to me for a while.

I had knelt down on the blanket to spread it out. He joined me kneeling with one knee between mine. His hands were on my hips again, pushing my shirt up my back, Tugging on my jeans. I tried to lean forward and he pulled me back to him. His hand slipped up my belly to cup my breast. He slid first one then the other down my body then back up under my shirt. He cupped me again and bit gently at my neck. I felt like putty in his hands. His right hand let go of its prize and sought another. He reached down and ran his hand over my jeans past their button and zipper over my mound and down between my legs and rubbed slow strong circles right where I wanted him to. He knew exactly what he wanted and what I wanted too. His other hand joined that one and help it to unbutton my jeans and unzip them.

He was breathing heavy panting behind me. He roughly pushed my jeans down but not off so they trapped my legs. I heard him unzip his own pants. He hadn't bothered with removing my panties along with my jeans so they were still in his way. He didn't seem to care much. I was still on my knees. He was still on his behind me. He growled and grabbed my hips as he positioned himself so that his knees were on the outside of mine trapping them and me. He pushed my chest down with one hand while his other pulled my hips up until I was on my hands and knees. He hooked a finger in the crotch of my panties and wordlessly thrust two others in me. I was dripping wet waiting for him. He didn't make me wait any longer. He held my panties aside and gripped my hip tight with his free hand. He lined us up and I felt him fill me as he drove himself in me as hard as he could. My body rocked forward with the force of his thrust. His first name slipped passed my lips and quickly became a litany as he found his rhythm. His body slapped against mine as he drove into me hard over and over again. I rocked back into his movements to take him as deep as my body could. I could feel him everywhere all at once. His slow and gentle aggression played out softly with him pounding into me from behind while I was on my hands and knees with his name on my lips calling on it like he was a god. I heard my name fall from his lips as he pushed me into yet another orgasm. He called it again and again until I realized exactly what he was saying. He stopped.

"Put your shoulders down." I did as he told me and he rewarded me with more of him and a very gentle smack on my ass. It was gentle but it still stung. He pressed a hand on the small of my back forcing an arch and repositioning me so he could go deeper. I screamed his name. He kept the pace going and managed to go harder. I came again. He put both his hands on my hips. Gripping them hard enough to leave bruises and pulled me to him each time he pushed. I screamed. He growled. He did it again and my response was the same. He slapped my ass a little harder and pushed at the same time. I cried out in pleasure and pain. He did it again twice more. Each swat came in just a little harder. Each time I screamed a little louder. He started to swell within me and I felt his release timed perfectly with yet another of mine. He finished and removed himself from me. Without a word he zipped up his pants, stood, and walked away. I just laid down on the blanket and didn't move. My ass stung where he and smacked it. I could still feel his hand there, his fingers on my hips and his thick body within me.

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