Chapter 3: Reaper

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    I woke up in a hospital, but not in a bed, on the floor. I felt absolutely fine, my clothes weren't ruined, and I didn't have a hole in my side. I got up and when I saw Dean I ran to him.

"Dean! I'm so sorry about the fight!" I said running in the room. he didn't seem to hear me but he was staring intently at something. I followed his gaze and it stops at me, laying in a bed, hooked up to monitors.

"W-what? Dean is that a shape shifter?" I asked looking at him, again no response.

"Dean listen to me!" I yelled grabbing his hand but I went right through it. I stood there in shock. I can't be dead, im laying right there alive on the monitors!

"I'm sorry (y/n), the last words I spoke to you were terrible...and maybe if I hadn't spoken those words you would be fine." Dean spoke through teary eyes. I couldn't help but to begin crying.

"Dean, it's not your fault....I forgive you." I sobbed. Sam doesn't even know yet, just Dean.

"Come with me (y/n), i'll take you to a better place." a woman said behind me. she had long black hair and a white dress on. I know instantly that she was a reaper.

"I'm not going anywhere, these people need me!" I yelled with a stern look.

"Come on, they'll be in your personal heaven if you really want them to be." she said with kind eyes. I shook my head.

"No, Dean needs too know...he needs to know that I love him! I can't leave him!" I yelled through tears. The reaper shook her head.

"If you stay here you'll become what you hunt, a lost and confused ghost. I'm trying too help you." she said softly. I glared at her, daggers for eyes.

"Leave me alone, I'm not coming with you!" I screamed clenching my fists at my sides. you can't leave! you have people you need too save, and you can't leave Sam and Dean.

"I'll be back (y/n)." The reaper said and she suddenly vanished. I looked back at my body, than at dean, curled myself up into a ball, and cried.

One Less Problem: Book One of the Winchesters and you Chronicles (DeanxReader)Where stories live. Discover now