Chapter 12 A Different person

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Ana got up and took the phone mean while Eddie and I were still shocked. "Ok, love you too, bye" Ana hung the phone up. "Oh my god" Ana reacted. "What, what's wrong, Ana" I got up and came to her shoulders. "What's wrong, Ana" I repeated. "James is coming and I haven't even done laundry and fix the bed or made dinner...." I never seen this side of Ana, usually she looks things on the bright side.

"Ana, relax you have nothing to worry about. If your so concern about getting the house clean then how about Eddie and I can help you"

"No, but you don't understa-" she stopped herself and said ok.

We got right to cleaning. Ana was folding laundry while Eddie and I were up stairs fixing the bed. I was curious to know what Eddie thought of the pink lipstick. "Do you want to talk about it?" I questioned but instead he answered "No" very rudely. I said nothing and continued fixing the bed.

"You know if you ever want to talk about what happen I-" Eddie interrupted. "I SAID!, I don't what to talk about it" his voice grew loud" I left the room without saying anything and went to go to check on Ana.

Ana was sitting on a bar stool scanning through every page like a mad person. "Ana, calm down" I took the book away from her "What the hell has in to you" I yell at her more, she throws her has in to her face and yells "NOTHING!"

We stood there frozen, I poured her a glass of water and gave it to her. We both didn't say anything after a while, than she drank the whole glass of water, grabbed her car keys and left. Great, now I had two people yelled in my face all in one day, what a horrible morning this turned out to be. I picked up the cookbook, damn, this 20min meals they look disgusting. Mmmm, maybe I can cook my specialty. 'Spaghetti'

I opened the fridge, 'holy shit' the fridge was nothing but salads and organic stuff. Ana doesn't eat this, well she does once in a while but not all the time.

Oh well, salad for lunch, dinner, and breakfast. When I moved in the fridge was filled with random stuff, but now-

Suddenly I hear a knock at the front door. I open the door to a tall black woman who was wearing a pink shirt and blue jean, it was my old middle school friend Faith. "Marie?"

"Faith?" I stared at her and gave her a big hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you again" I said with joy.

"So where's the kids?" She stopped hugging and looked at me with a smile. I think she was talking about Josef's and my kids, plus I don't think that she knows that Josef's dead and that I have been in asylum for the past three years.

"Faith, Josef cheated on me and we got a divorce" I frowned.

"Marie, thats terrible"

"Yeah, I know. But I remarried"

She looked at me bewildered.

"And how come I wasn't invited to the wedding? And why haven't you introduce me to this guy?"

"Well we eloped" I was lying, and I didn't like it. But, I had to.

"Well I want to meet this guy. Where he at?" She let her self in.

"Where he at? I want to meet this guy" she added.

Suddenly, Eddie came down stairs, introducing his hand for Faith. She looked at me and gave me a good job look. "Hello my name is Eddie. Are you one of Marie's friends?"

She shook his hand.

"Yes, my name is Faith Hills and I've been friends with Marie since middle school" they stopped shaking hands and we all sat down in the living room. Staring at each other. "So Eddie-" oh god here come the questions from Faith. "Where are you from?" I held on to Eddies hand.

Outlast fiction: Mrs.GluskinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant