c'est une question de vie ou de mort

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They say history is written by the victorious. By the kings and queens who climbed their thrones on the bodies of their enemies. But lurking in the shadows and on the sidelines are those who truly move history and the wheel of fortune. 

I myself stood on the sidelines while King Henry the Second and Queen Catherine Medici held their French throne while grasping for the thrones of others. I watched marriages secure alliances one evening and heads roll the next. I was a soldier on a battlefield of pretty dresses and courtly love. 

When I was young, I was chosen by Queen Catherine as one of her special ladies in waiting. I was sent to some of the most refined courts in Europe and educated by some of the most influential women of the time. Not how to be a pious young woman to be wed to a powerful man, but to be a seductive spy at Catherine's side. We were known as her Flying Squadron. 

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that my fate led me to the deepest depths of Hell in the end. I was a sinner in life, just as in death. But how could a pretty fly on the wall survive in a place more treacherous that the court of France? 

Simple, my dears. I sold secrets in life, why should I not do the same in death?

L'amour et La Mort | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now