Seriously Tony? - Reader/Tony Stark

Start from the beginning

"You see why we shut Tony in his lab when he's sick?" Natasha asked when you returned from your tenth trip to his room. You nodded, feeling suitably harassed and vowed not to go when he asked for the next thing. Looking up, you realised he'd only been in bed for an hour.

"Why is he such a child? I thought if anyone would be independent when they're sick, it'd be him, with his parents never being around and all that," you groaned placing your weary feet on the table.

"Miss (L/N)-" Jarvis began.

"No. Tell him to do it himself."

A pause, then, "Mr Stark will not inform me as to what he needs."

"I don't care J, tell him I'm not his bloody servant."

"Of course, Miss (L/N)" the AI replied. It took a lot to make you pissed off and once you were, it took a lot to bring you back to normal and you knew that Tony knew he'd gone too far.

Or so you thought.

Tony's room was the closest to the kitchen and five minutes after you'd told off Jarvis and become absorbed once more in your book, you heard a sneeze.

Which was odd, considering you'd closed Tony's door and the door to the kitchen was shut tight thanks to Natasha and Clint's fear of getting sick. And yet when you looked over, the door was open.

"Jarvis?" you say, grabbing the AI's attention.

"Yes, Miss (L/N)?"

"Did you open the door?"

"Mr Stark told me to. I believe he is bored."

You heard Steve snicker from the table.


"He wishes to gain your pity."

You sigh. "Tell him I'm pitiless."

Silence. Until again, a sneeze from down the corridor echoed into the kitchen. The kitchen door, which like all doors in Stark Tower, could be controlled by Jarvis, would not close.

So you put in your earphones and hoped to block out the incessant sound of Tony blowing his nose and coughing and sneezing.

At which point your phone, the TV and basically all the devices shut down.

A hoarse voice came over Jarvis' speakers. "If I can't go in my devices then neither can you."

You stood up, slamming your book on the table and stalked over to Tony's room. He saw the look on your face and flinched. He actually flinched.

"What," you began angrily, "do you want?"

There was a murmur.



"Have Jarvis turn the power back on and do not bother me unless you actually need something." And then you stalked out of the room and didn't hear from Tony for another three hours.


"Jarvis why is he so quiet? Did he fall asleep?" You ask tentatively. Already, this silence felt wrong and your anger was turning into fear.

"No Miss (Y/N)," the AI replied.

"What's he doing then?"

"He's watching TV. Shall I shut it down?"

"Ye-No. Leave it on, he's found a good enough way to entertain himself."

It was another 10 minutes before you began to feel bad for Tony. The other Avengers had been skirting around you, knowing how you were when you were angry, so you pulled out a packet of pumpkin soup and began heating it up.

Soon you padded into Tony's room with the soup, two mugs of tea (one herbal, one black). "How're you feeling?" you ask.


"Sleep then, Tony! You know you get sick because you don't sleep."

"If you believed I'd listen to you, you wouldn't have brought food for me," he grinned. It was the first time he fully turned his head towards you, allowing you to see how pale his skin was and how tired he really looked.

"You know me too well," you say, hoping he'll sleep after he's eaten, "so what are we watching?"

"Oh, you're joining me?"

"No, I'm just going to ask and drink my tea and leave. Of course, I'm joining you!" You say, sarcastically at first and then allowing the smile to slip onto your face.

The scientist's face lights up as you place your mug on one stand, give him his bowl and the mug of herbal tea before finally settling yourself on the bed.


"You know you could come under the covers, right?"

"Yes, but then I'd get sick."

A pause.

"You know your head is on me shoulder right?"

"Shush," you say, a smile in your voice as you realise that you've already caught Tony's cold. There's a pressure on your nose and a headache building in your temples, "you'll be looking after me tomorrow, mark my words, Tony."


So I hate the ending but that's fine.

Requests are in the works! I've got ideas for most of them and now it's just setting my fingers to the keyboard... I really want to do a story of Tony where he doesn't tell anyone because he's so used to being uncared for when he's sick, but I literally just wrote this one and then they'd be contradictory and ughhh.

Anway! Stay safe from Coronavirus everyone! If ever my school gets shut down I'll write you all a fic to celebrate x

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