I looked to him with my head slightly tilted as he pulled out an envelope from his handbag and gave it to me with a light smile.

"Yesterday I didn't have the chance as we were nonstop being dragged around but happy birthday Avery."

I was genuinely shocked and, can't lie, I felt some tears stinging the back of my eyes.

"Really?" all I could say.

"Of course. YOTO, you only thirty once," he winked, and I forced a smile.

"Doesn't sound too promising," I chuckled as I slowly took it and he waited patiently so I guessed I had to open it up right there.

I pulled out a ticket of some kind with a golden bracelet on top of it, which had "The one and only" carved into it. I just smiled touched.

"Shannon... thank you so much, it is beautiful and... I actually did loose my bracelet not long ago," I acknowledged.

"I know..." he shrugged with a smile.

"Thank you so much," I said as I hugged him raising to my tiptoes and he hugged me back.

I was clinging onto him maybe a bit more than appropriate, but it is not like I get much affection of any kind and it honestly felt so good.

He must have sensed it because he held me a bit tighter and didn't try to pull away. I was so close to crying now, maybe that is why I am better off without human connections.

I pulled away slowly and bit embarrassed and just peeked down to the ticket. It was actually a flight ticket to Scotland. First class in two weeks.

"Shannon this... is... does Jared know about this?" I asked stunned.

I never really got a vacation or something since I am an assistant. I only have been home for a week for Christmas.

"He will get to know about it don't worry," he said as he started to walk towards the back doors of the stadium again in the hallway. "I know he gets lost in his own world pretty easily, if you never mention he will never realize that you are, in fact, working and need some time off and I know you would never ask him, but I know you miss your family," he explained gently.

I forced a smile.

"That is true... I just really don't know if this is a good idea without him knowing..."

"He will be fine. Oh no, he will have to put an alarm and order his own food! He will survive, don't worry about it," he smirked. "Anyways, I don't mind him floating above ground most of the time but you really managed to make him float outer space; he is literally only thirty seconds to Mars and honestly he should get back to Earth a bit. Tell me you don't think so," he said, might even sounding a bit annoyed and I chuckled on his metaphor.

"Maybe true. I am just so used to it by now," I shrugged as we got to the backdoor exit and loaded the luggage to the back of the car.

"You shouldn't. You do way too much. And I want to talk to him about that as well. Maybe when you are off to vacation, so you don't have to deal with the huffy-puffy part," he chuckled, and I giggled too and nodded.

I appreciated Shannon's acknowledgement of the situation. I did get annoyed with Jared sometimes; usually early mornings and late nights, but other than that I honestly have no idea what I would do all by myself all day. The last time I got a day off I slept in what was sweet, then just lingered around the house then went shopping but I didn't really need anything so ended up going back home and just watching Netflix which I do with Jared anyways when he has a day off.

Couple minutes later Jared and Tomo found their way out to the car as well laughing and gossiping about something as they sat into the car. The three of them sat next to each other and I sat in front of Tomo while Lora squeezed herself in next to me and in front of Jared.

She sent him a blushing smile what I could not not notice and Jared just smiled back to her hazily and I decided to just concentrate on Tomo and his input about the concert.

Lora has been working with us for the past 5 months and her side project is definitely wrapping Jared around her fingers... and other body parts.

It seems to work.

Jared can easily read people and never refuses to use his obvious charm to make people, (women and men) blush, usually only for his own entertainment. These don't mean anything to him; it's a little game he plays, but I am not sure Lora knows this.

He can be also very serious and professional with "colleagues" and he chooses carefully who he wants to work with. How Lora came to the picture? I don't even know. One day this tall, long legged, pushed up and sucked in blonde just appeared in some smart glasses and became the PR manager of the band. I am sure they did not take any step towards any romantic relationship, but I wouldn't call it professional either.

"So, after party?" Shannon asked with a grin as he slapped Jared in the shoulder.

"All the way," answered his brother. "I am still hyped up, need some more fun. When is our flight leaving tomorrow?" he now looked at me.

I quickly opened up my work phone and checked my calendar.

"Half past two in the afternoon. I calculated the after party," I smiled throwing my phone back into my purse and Jared gave me a thumbs up.

We arrived at the bar half an hour after midnight. They have been waiting for us as I have booked their private room with a bar and sent them the guest list what I put together with some of Jared's own suggestions.

After getting out of the car we quickly sneaked in through a back door and I hurried after Jared as they led us to the private aula.

As we stepped in, there were already everyone who was invited, around 60 people. The tour crew, the roadies, the band's friends from nearby and Jared's well, lady acquaintances.

Jared walked in and already owned up the place. People were coming from left to right to say hello to him and the band, some people already know me well as well.

Then a lady walked towards us and Jared squinted.

"Is that... oh... shit, the model, what's her name?" he asked in slight panic and I just smiled lightly stepping closer to him and whispered to his ear.

"Her name's Tatia. You slept with her right after the..." but he shushed me with a wave of his hand in front of my face.

"I knooow I know, I remember thaaat," he grinned and as Tatia walked closer he smiled to her.

"Tatia, what an amazing surprise. My assistant didn't even mention you are coming."

"Yes, I was in town, couldn't miss your party," she smiled brightly flipping her long black hair back.

I just rolled my eyes but then sent a smile to her as well and said on a cheeky voice,

"I just wanted to make it as a surprise. I know you missed her rather well," I grinned to Jared then patted his back and ending my wing-man job, what he obviously does not need, I walked towards the bar to grab a drink.

After-parties are meant for the band to relax back, to talk about the show to their friends and just generally have some fun, catch up with business partners and friends in town. It differs from place to place.

Today Jared was a gentleman bringing drinks to everyone, engaging in small talk with almost all the guests, even caught him talking about business at some point. He was happy and relaxed what made me feel the same way too even though I sat alone for most of the night.

Later on, Lora decided to go back to the hotel. Most probably because Jared was now settled with Tatia and some of her friends on a couch taking pictures, laughing and storytelling. Just celebrity fun stuffs, I guess.

I hung out with a couple of people; it got easier as I got more and more tipsy, but at three in the morning I have decided to leave back to the hotel too.

I made sure to let Jared know and after he acknowledged it with a quick nod I was out on my way.

Yes, these are some of the nights when he doesn't need me find his vitamins.

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