Chapter 1

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Anton Chigurh is seen at the 1st Ward of Tokyo in daytime being arrested by a CCG officer for disturbing the peace.

"Sir, I just walked in the door," he stopped by his desk at the CCG Main Office to make a phone call to his superior, leaving Chigurh sitting on a chair behind him. "I think I got the guy who killed our guys last week."

"That's good to hear," his superior said from the other line. "I don't want someone from our species murdering his own kind."

"At least the case of the Half and Half Killer is now solved."

"Yeah. Anything else I should know?"

"Well, sir, he carried some sort of thing on him like an oxygen tank for emphysema or something, and a hose that run down its sleeve."

"What's he using something like that for?"

"You got me. You'll look at it when you get in. Don't worry, sir, I got it under control."

Unbeknownst to him is that while he is talking with his superior, Chigurh is seen escaping his captivity by switching the position of his hands being in handcuffs from behind to the front. As soon as the CCG officer is finish with his phone call, he strangles him from behind. Of course he drops himself on the floor to prevent him from getting up. As he strangles this officer of the law, he is shown to crack a sadistic smile on his face. After a few seconds, the officer is now dead.

Removing the handcuffs on him, Chigurh washes his hands to remove the blood that was spilled during the murder he committed before stealing the CCG officer's car to make his next move. Driving the stolen car to the 11th Ward where the Aogiri Tree resides, he pulls a car to a stop.

"What's this about?" a ghoul asked.

"Step out of the car please, sir," Chigurh instructed him.

"What is it?"

"I think you need to step out of the car, sir."

With no other choice, the ghoul quickly got out of his car.

"What is that for?" he asked, noticing the hose he's holding.

"Would you hold still please, sir?" Chigurh smiled as he points the hose to the ghoul's head, then he presses the trigger to inflict a hole to his head. Then the ghoul drops dead to his feet.

Of course he stole the ghoul's car and drives his way out of this ward.

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