
"An itinerary??" I mumbled, spitting crumbled eggs all over myself. He's made an itinerary for me and Zuemier for the rest of the week? I'll admit that I was anxious about this whole... thing but I don't think an itinerary is what I'd need. I don't think I could handle reading such a thing!

He said it was detailed.. does that mean detailed as in graphically detailed? Like some smutty erotica or was more it like some form of an impersonal karma sutra where there are just objective sets of positions to do like your following IKEA directions to build furniture?

I got up from the couch to dump my food in the trash before beginning my patent pacing around the living room. I don't think I genuinely prefer either. One makes it seem like I'm here to play out someone else's fantasy and the other makes this something cold and clinical. Neither is what this is. Or what we were to be doing, is.

So what do you want? To make this some sort of emotional endeavor? What, do you wanna date him?

I paused in front of the TV, my face in flames. No, I didn't want to date him. I don't even know the dude— not that if I did, I would— God! Dating Zuemier Klaus is completely out of the question. I just-

I flopped on the couch and covered my face, feeling anxious and exasperated. "I just don't... want this to be out of pure obligation- because I'm being paid or to save his family. I... feel shit with him. When I'm with him. I.. I...I don't know what I want.. " I mumbled nonsensical nonsense into quiet oblivion.

My phone beeped and I let out a groan, betting that it was probably Ricardo or his wife with my termination for missing work yesterday. When I picked up the phone, Ricardo and work promptly evacuated the premises that were my mind.

The clock read 2:45!

How could I have slept in so late— especially when I went to be so early? And Christ! 15 minutes to shower, find something to wear and figure out what the fuck I'm to be doing with myself?! Not enough time!

I ran into the shower and scrubbed myself as if my father told me I was late to Sunday school. I needed a plan— something to wear, a dress most likely right? Something feminine and appealing but confident— Wait- shit! I don't have clothes here, I don't fucking live here. I'd have to go back to my flat. That's a 30-minute drive but what does that fucking matter, I don't even own a damn car!

No- it's fine. I checked my phone again. 2:52. I don't have time to bicker with myself. I'll have to find my clothes from yesterday and.. wash them? A bit? Or at least freshen. I'm sure it's fine that I've worn the same set of clothes for 3 days in a row. Only one person would know and that would be Elixio.

"What else.. what else could I do.." I murmured to myself, walking circles butt naked on the marble of the bathroom. I spotted a cabinet door that was left ajar. The bathroom light bounced off the explosive amount of glitter that was on top of the makeup palette covers. "Yea, some makeup will at least make it seem like my face isn't 3 days old... totally."

I squatted down to the cabinet when a knock thundered at my door. Christ! Another glance at my phone said 2:55. Of course, he'd be here early. Why would I ever think differently? I'd have to run into the bedroom and grab my dirty clothes. I'll just shout for him to wait. And then I'll somehow decipher my complex feelings that are —most likely than not— rooted from my past experiences, and figure out how I will act based off them in the few singular minutes in trying —and failing— to look presentable.

There's another knock, a little more aggressive before the doorknob began to wiggle. With a glance at the clock showing 2:58 and with a squeal, I did exactly what I said I would. I ran to the armoire and hopped inside as I heard Elixio concerned calls for my name.

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