13. Grinding Gears

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Zuemier released a roar that echoed the soft chattering of the cafe into silence.

I could see his telltale smoke entering into my vision of the ceiling and for a moment- I found clarity within the guise of his cloud.

Reality hit me like a ton of rocks. What the hell was I doing? Baiting this dick head into- into some... sexual escapades in a public place. Christ- we could probably get arrested or escorted off the property- this shits illegal, not to mention proper embarrassing.

I was on the goddamn table that overlooked the entire cafe- everyone could see me if they glanced. I looked like a slut with my breast flopping out on the table and my nipples a hair away from popping out of the confines of my bra and top. That's not mentioning my ass being up in the air within Zuemier's death grip. It would only take, even the dullest, seconds into their imagination to figure out what we were doing.

The embarrassment wasn't worth a bit of vengeance. Or indulging in nonsensical attraction. I shouldn't even be entertaining this douchebag. I should leave him to insult some other poor girl who's just trying to do a nice thing. There's no point in staying somewhere you're not wanted-

Suddenly, Zuemier interjected himself into my thoughts, catching me by surprise. He grabbed my hips and grounded himself against my core, forcing the edgings of his cock to impact the flesh of my vulva with my underwear being the only barrier. I let out a cry at the unexpected sensations, my train of thought now crashed and long forgotten.

Every jab made me reconsider my sanity, I felt so sensitive- It was like electrical impulses we're dancing across the flesh of my skin, sending voltages externally and internally that I couldn't escape from.

I released another mewl when he thrust once more, his singeing breath burning my ear as his soft lips soothed the sting. I gripped my fingers into the unforgiving wood of the table to provide myself some sort of stability, my nails embedding into it. My eyes clamped shut at the collision of another thrust, his hips rolling sensually, drawing circles into my ass. "Tell me again about how I was eating your pussy out, Kitten," He seethed cruelly. I could feel the sharp threat of his teeth against the shell of my ear as he spoke, sending anxious shivers up and down my spine. "Without the stutter so I can hear you better, dear."

He pulled his hips again, rearing them back out for another thrust but paused and I could just- feel why. I shivered as a cool breeze brushed against my pussy, pushing up my skirt and revealing a wet spot that had been forming on my panties. My eyes squeezed shut and willed the table to open a black hole to swallow me whole.

Zuemier rumbled out a chuckle, grinding into me gently with vicious intent, "Your pussy's too wet, Kitten," He murmured out quietly. I bit my lip hard enough to taste copper to silence my cries- the gentle flickering of his hips did nothing to soothe the taut ball that was binding on top of itself in my gut, releasing prickling sensation all over my jukebox. It felt like there was a war going on down there- random rapturous explosions going off without abandonment. "This is meant to be punishment, no good if you're enjoying it."

Clarity was making another attempt to help me find my reality- to remember I'm not a child who needs punishment, that the man humping me was the enemy or that we were still on display for tons of complete strangers in the open cafe.

But the dark tendrils returned, unsympathetically striking Clarity down until she fell weak and obsolete. They pushed my hips against the enemy eagerly-in the open cafe for all to hear me plead for the punishment I deserved. The budding binding ball in my belly was begging to be broken.

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