20 | Hello Future

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Summer was coming to an end and so was your vacation. You were taking a long walk at the beach until someone shouted your name.


You turned your head around to see a man a woman and a teenage girl.

Your P.O.V

"Why do they look so familiar. Wait, Mr.Lee and his wife and Mina! It's been so long since I've seen them."

I ran to them and hugged Mina, their only daughter, 1 year younger than me.

"It's been so long since I've seen you! You've grown up so much." I said smiling brightly.

"You too! You look so beautiful! You must have a significant other?" Mina asked, her eyes shining brightly.

"Yeah, I do." We were talking to the point I forgot Mr. and Mrs. Lee were there.

"Oh, where are my manners! I'm sorry for not saying hello, Mr. and Mrs. Lee." I said shaking hands with them.

"It's ok sweety! So, how have you been? Did you finish school with good grades?" Asked Mrs.Lee.

"I've been good. Yes actually, I finished with the highest score now I'm just trying to find a job like my parents. It's gonna be hard being a CEO or a manager of any business in general but I think I can do it. If you don't mind me asking, do you still work in my parents' place?" I asked.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that you did well in school, and yes we still work in your parents' place. I think we can help you find a job as a CEO." Said Mrs.Lee turning her head to Mr.Lee waiting for him to finish the sentence.

"There is this new company opening in Australia that needs a CEO. You just have to know English well and we can send your qualifications and they will probably hire you." Said Mr.Lee.

"Could you do that for me?!" I said with excitement.

"Well, of course, we just need your answer within this week." Mrs.Lee said.

"I'll give you my number and I'll text you when I think about it," I said giving my number to Mrs.Lee. She and her husband shook my hand, I hugged Mina and said goodbye.

"How do I tell them?" I thought as I made my way to the beach house.


"I know might be far but it's the only chance I have of being a CEO and it might not come again. I promise to keep in touch even when I'm busy." I said looking at everyone one by one. It was hard for me to do so, but I knew I had to.

"You know I'll support you no matter how far you are," Hyunjin said, giving me a tight hug.

"We all support you and we all hope you do well." Said Nami with a smile on her face.

"Come on everyone bring it in," Yemin added and we all had a big hug.


"I'm gonna miss you all so much. High School would have never been as fun as it if I didn't meet you. I'm glad I joined your family. I'm glad that I have friends like you who care and love me and I'm glad to have a boyfriend who is sweet and cares about me. I'll miss you all so much." I said with tears in my eyes trying to hold them back but failed.

"One last group hug!" Said Jisung.

We all hugged. Nobody wanted this moment to end. But it had to. I said goodbye to everyone for the last time, kissed Hyunjin, and went to the airport.

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