19 | Summer Vacation

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Your P.O.V

I was sleeping until I got woken up by people talking, I couldn't make out who it was but it was loud. I went down the stairs, looking like a mess. As I was walking down I could see some papers scattered everywhere. All the boys were there, Yemin and Nami too.

"Good morning," I said looking at Yemin and Nami.

"What are you doing here? And why are there so many papers?" I asked.

"Well since this is our first summer together we are planning to go somewhere as a group." Said Nami getting up from the sofa.

"And these papers are just for making lists of what we will need to bring." Said Yemin also getting up from the sofa.

"I know the perfect place we can go. When my parents went on vacation, they went to the big beach house that they have on Jeju Island, so we can go there. There are also some maids and butlers there." I said, finishing the sentence with a big smile on my face.

"Well that was quick, so when can we go?" Nami asked.

"Well you just have to pack your clothes and we have to buy the plane tickets and I have to tell the maids and butlers to clean the house up. Maybe on Wednesday if we can find the tickets for 12 people." I said.

"Then I and Nami will go so we can pack our stuff and we'll text you when we finish." Said Yemin getting her stuff and heading to the door with Nami.

I said goodbye to the girls and so did the guys. Then we all went to our rooms to pack our stuff while Changbin was finding the tickets.

T-shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, and I had to wear bikinis, which weren't my favorite thing. Since I like to eat a lot and I do eat a lot, not a lot of bikinis look good on me. But I have to pack some. (You're bringing your favorite bikinis/swimsuits or just some you wish you had)


It was the day you all were going on vacation as a happy family. Everything was ready, you had arrived at the airport and you were waiting for your flight.

Your P.O.V

After one hour passed of waiting, I was getting tired but I couldn't sleep. The excitement was keeping me up. Then our plane finally came. We all got comfortable and half of the boys were asleep, but I couldn't sleep on a plane seat. It just wasn't comfy so I was listening to music while looking outside the window. One hour passed and the plane finally landed. We got our stuff and I called one of my butlers to come and pick us up and to take us to the beach house.


"You said it was a beach house, not a beach mansion," Yemin said looking at the mansion and them looking at you.

"Well...I did say it was big." You said signaling the butler to open the door.

Everyone got in and was shocked at how white and clean the mansion was. There was a big window with the view of the beach and it looked magical.

"How many rooms are there?" Asked Chan.

"There are 11 of us and 9 rooms. So, everyone can choose with who they want to sleep or if they want to sleep alone." I said with a smile on my face.

When everyone had chosen their room and partner and had finished unpacking, we all went to the beach.

I found a shadow, put some towels on the sand, and just sat there looking at everyone having fun and splashing each other with water. You might ask why I'm not there. Well, ever since my parents passed away I haven't been on a vacation and as embarrassing as it sounds, I have forgotten how to swim.

"Why aren't you coming? We're waiting for you." Said Nami sitting down next to me. I told her the reason with an awkward smile on my face and she lightly chuckled.

"Then, I can help you!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the water.

It was cold and my heart started beating fast. I felt like I was about to get a heart attack. I was sucking it all in, trying not to scream because of the cold water.

"Yay, you came! What took you so long?" Yemin asked.

"Nothing...Why is the water so damn cold! I'm freezing." I said, still halfway in the water.

"It's not that cold you just have to get used to it!" Said Yemin as she swam away from us.

"Come on, just get in or I'll splash you." Said Nami with a smirk on her face.

"You wouldn't dare," I said moving back because knowing Nami she would do it.

"Oh trust me I would!" She said and started to splash me.

"Yemin help me splash Y/N." She asked the girl who wasn't far from us. Then Nami and Yemin were both splashing me with the freezing water.

"Two against one! That's not fair!" I said, although not talking would be the better option in the situation I was in.

"What about 10 against one?" Felix said and then all the boys came and started to splash me too.

"That's not fair! Please stop! The water is getting in my mouth!" I was trying to say but couldn't because half of the water did actually get in my mouth.

"Ok ok everyone that's enough." Said Chan and everyone stopped.

"Thank you," I said

After dipping my whole body into the water it didn't feel as cold. It felt relaxed and liked it. When everyone was going out of the water I stayed a little more longer, admiring the view of the shining sun hitting the clear crystal water. It looked like a dream. A dream that I would never want to wake up.

Summer vacation is ending, will anything knock on Y/N's door?

Find out in the next chapter of " Without a Family."

Hello everyone! The fanfic is coming to an end so get ready for the final chapter next Saturday or Sunday. Now, after this chapter, there is a big-time skip (the protagonists are grown up) just so it's clear when I post. I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to leave a comment! Have a great day!


Word count: 1091

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