7 | Her

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I got up early today and went to school before the guys. I couldn't sleep at all last night so I was tired. I didn't feel like talking to the guys either today, I don't know why but my mind was filled with the idea of knowing more about the new girl. Amber.

I arrived at school and all the boys were fanboying at Amber and she already had friends. I guess everybody loves her. I hope she is nice not like the other girls in our school. My first class was Biology. In my class were Chan, Minho, and Changbin.

Class was boring as always but at least Chan and Minho told me some jokes.

It was time for lunch break and we all sat at a table and started to talk and eat. Hyunjin was still getting his food. He was talking to someone but I couldn't tell who it was. Then he came to the table with Amber.

"Guys I want you to met my Middle School friend, Amber." That's where I heard that name. Didn't he say Amber was his first crush too?

"Hello my name is Amber as Hyunjin said and I'm the new transfer student!" She said with a smile on her face.

She looks nice. She sat in the middle of Hyunjin and me. Well...I was so damn wrong she was a rude girl that didn't know how to keep her hands to herself. She was acting all sweet, shy, and clingy with Hyunjin while she gave smirks to me. It made me angry, annoyed, and a little jealous.

"So Amber do you wanna be my first female friend?" I asked to get her attention away from Hyunjin.

"Yeah...sure whatever." She said then continued to talk to him.

That was rude. I continued to play with my food as I was not hungry and mostly felt bored. I was paying attention to my food but I could still feel like someone was staring at me. I lifted my head to see that someone was Seungmin. I didn't feel comfortable so I got up and decided to take a walk in the school's backyard. Since lunch break just started I had a lot of time to clear my mind.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm just going on a walk in the school's backyard."

"Can I come?"

"Yeah sure."

Then I left with Seungmin to the backyard. We sat on some benches that were there. I was looking around when I felt something on my lap. I was shocked to see Seungmin resting his head on my lap. It looked like he was sleeping. I slowly moved my hand to touch his soft-looking hair. Just as I was doing so he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to his face. We were inches apart. Then he just let out a small giggle and let go of my hand.

"Why are you so red. Are you blushing or something?" He asked

"I'm not blushing it's just...nothing," I said pointing my tongue out.

"Yeah right...I would have believed if you said it was make-up but then again you don't really wear much."

"How do you even know how much mak-" Then the bell rang cutting me off my sentence.

"Ok, let's go! We don't wanna be late for the next lesson."


It was finally time to go home. Me and Hyunjin finished early so I had some alone time to talk to him.

"Hyunjin can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, anything."

"Do you still have any sort of feeling left for Amber?"

"No, what made you think that? I like you a lot. I can tell you this a thousand times and I'm sorry if there was something that made you think that." Then he pulled me by my waist for a hug. I was relieved. I had a feeling that he still liked her since she came back.

Then after all the guys came and of course, Amber was with them too, it was time to go.

"Hey guys if you don't mind can I come to your house today since we are friends and you know friends hang out with each other and-"

"Yeah, you can come just don't make this any more awkward than it is."

"Fuck you~" was all I could sing in my brain as it felt like it was catching on fire. After walking for 10 minutes we finally arrived. I immediately went to my room because I didn't want to be with her. I plopped on my bed got my pillow and slowly fell asleep.

Seungmin's P.O.V

All the guys were having fun with Amber while I was getting bored. I decided to find Y/N and hang out with her. I went to her room and saw her peaceful sleeping. She looked so cute. How come Hyunjin is staying with Amber when he should be staying with Y/N?

I sat on the side of the bed and looked at her. She is so pretty. So soft...Ahhh what am I saying, she already likes someone and it's not me. I put a strand of hair behind her ear...and I was leaning to kiss her on the forehead but she woke up. Our faces were inches apart. I was getting red and she was blushing too. Then she pushed me a little while she awkwardly stared at me.

End of Seungmin's P.O.V

What the hell was Seungmin doing?! Is he insane?! He knows I'm already dating Hyunjin. But...why is my heart beating so fast. No, no forget about it he's a friend to me and no more...yeah no more.


Amber is just getting on my nerves. I can't even have a peaceful talk with Hyunjin because she comes up and talks to him.

I was putting my books at my locker and on the other side were Hyunjin and Amber talking, again she was hitting his shoulder and laughing with him. I was about to explode with anger but I just held it in. Until they kissed...Warm tears started to fall from my eyes and I balled my hands into fists. Why was my sensitive ass crying so fastly!

I walked up to them and slapped Amber on the cheek.

"How could you?" I turned to Hyunjin as tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Wait Y/N it's no-"

I didn't let him explain. He didn't need to explain anything the scene spoke for itself. I just ran but instead of going out of the school I just ran to Seungmin. I didn't know why I did. I guess his brother figure was just telling me to go to him. Or maybe it was something else...he hugged me while whispering to me to calm down. I hugged him back and we both went home early.

What will happen to Hyunjin and Y/N?

Does Y/N have feelings for Seungmin?

Will a love triangle happen?

Find out in the next chapter of "Without a Family."

Hello, I'm here with another chapter of "Without a Family." I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long it's because I have exams (and I was a little lazy). Hope you like the chapter though. Have a great day! (EDITED!)


Word count: 1233

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