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Chapter 9 | Empyreal

The City of Elements

Embrace uncertainty.
Some of the most beautiful
chapters in our lives won't
have titles until much later.
- Unknown


The night came quickly while we were on the main part of the ship. I had been silent and in my thoughts since I talked to Amaya to try and give off the same demeanor I had previously, though it was hard since I am feeling very giddy with the fact that I was able to talk to my twin.

Sitting next to Alex, Leon, and Leila late at night, I explain to them what happened.

"You what?!" Alex says in shock, looking at me directly in the eyes.

I smack him in the arm in annoyance at the volume of his voice. I swear, he does not know how to control how loud he speaks, especially when he needs to be quiet or keep a secret.

"Shhh Alex, not so loud. It's almost midnight and I don't want them to hear that we are awake. We are supposed to be asleep after all."

"That's still insane! You talked to her! Do you think I can?"

"We don't know what time it is on earth currently so I wouldn't risk it, it was around sunset when I talked to her." I sigh.

I understand his excitement and want to talk to our sister, I really do. And it kills me that I don't think I'll be able to help him talk to her, "Plus we don't know how much of the drop of water you have in your blood. It differs between all of us depending on our own power."

His expression drops as it sinks in and he nods, clearly upset at my response. I know he misses her as much as I do, I mean we are triplets after all. But we can't risk getting caught and I don't know if I can handle a double communication between all of us yet.

In all honesty, I don't think the drop of water is very strong within him. With my new curse and aura detection, I can see the powers that are hidden within the people I am looking at. Leila, for instance, is purple and blue, like her spirit fire and water abilities but with Alex, all I see is red.

I don't want to tell that to him though and to break his optimism because of it.

The four of us somehow end up falling asleep, my head on Alex's shoulder and his head against mine. Leila fell asleep with her head on my lap, curled into a little ball, Leon mirroring her on the chair next to Alex.

For once, I didn't have a nightmare or some sort of dream that made me worry. There was peace, complete peace. It's a strange feeling, to have peace, it's something that I don't think I will have ever again. Slowly, I open my eyes, the sunlight directly into them. I lift my head off of Alex's shoulder, trying to force his arms that are around me off of so that I can breathe. Sitting up, I look out the window and see Empyreal in the distance.

 Sitting up, I look out the window and see Empyreal in the distance

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"Wow," I say looking at the kingdom.

I had never thought that it would ever look like this, it's absolutely beautiful. The water is almost turquoise and seems to reflect off the sunlight and the massive globe in the middle of the main square, the center of the world.

White, green and blue shades cover the homes and the marina along the shoreline, giving off a sort of innocence, but also a slight regalness. Further away, I can see the mountains that appear to have a little bit of snow and forest off in the distance, away from civilization.

I feel Alex sturr next to me and I elbow his chest, making him groan in response before he finally wakes up.

"What was that for?" he says, glaring at me which makes me roll my eyes in response to his reaction.

Leila, who was still asleep with her head on my lap, slowly wakes up due to us talking somewhat loudly. She sits up, rubbing her eyes before opening them again, before standing up and poking her brother in the side. Leon slightly pushes her at the action but sits up, looking at the horizon like I am.

"Look, Empyreal," I say, not turning away from the view of the sun reflecting off of the castle in the far distance where our aunt lives.

The fact that our aunt is a queen, I don't know how that makes me feel. We aren't royalty, at all, our cousins are. But I can't help but feel like we have to act differently than we do, give off a more commanding appearance just because we are related to royalty.

I hear Alex gasp when he looks at the city, probably not imagining that it would look like this, exactly like what I thought. The contrast between the capital city and our homeland is insane, but I feel slightly intimidated by the vastness that is our new home.

"It's beautiful", Leila says, running to the window to get a closer look with Leon following suit behind her, causing Alex and I to look at each other and laugh, understanding the twins' excitement as we near the docks of the marina.

They've never seen anything besides our home and the beach when we found a way to escape the house for a few days, so it's understandable why they are so excited. I am as well, but I can't help but have this sense of dread inside of me, and I don't know why that is the case.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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