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Chapter 2 | The Vision

Vision without
action is merely a dream.
Action without vision
just passes the time.
Vision with action can
change the world
- Joel A. Barker


Leading me by the hand, I follow Leila to the attic of the house, or should I say her room. Since our house is very small, despite it being two-stories tall. All of the girls sleep in the same room while the boys sleep in two different rooms since the ratio of boys to girls is uneven.

The entire house is quite cramped, so Leila actually has to sleep by herself in the attic. Truthfully, I think she prefers it this way, and I would as well. That is once again strange to say about a four-year-old, but I suppose we are all strange in our own way.

The chill I had before returns, much stronger than before. When we reach the attic, I can tell that she was trying to find a way to stop whatever she saw. Books were scattered around her room, even though she doesn't understand half of the words. She guides me over to a large white crystal that lays on the desk that is placed near the corner of the room and moves my hand on top of it.

"Close your eyes," she instructs looking up at me, keeping her hand on top of mine. Closing my eyes, I notice how Leila is actually shaking. It's strange how I hadn't noticed this until now but it is understandable, whatever she saw must have scared her. This realization makes me tense up a little, as I wait for Leila to show me what she saw.

"Revelare visionem de futuro" I hear her whisper, and shortly after an image forms in my mind.

In the middle of the night, everything is still. The small two-story cottage that is our home is visible and the forest next to it, but surprisingly, all of the lights are off. This is strange, due to the fact at the house is only silent when all of us are sleep but even then some lights could be on.

As the vision moves closer to the house, I see a young girl through the window, probably me, asleep on the couch in my bedroom, rather than my own bed. Bright light can be seen from downstairs, it seems to be orange or red and smoke rises from the house. The vision suddenly ends and I quickly open my eyes, not realizing that I was breathing heavily. 

A fire, there's gonna be a fire at the house sometime at night. 

Now I understand why Leila was so shaken up about this, but why show me out of everyone?

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