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Chapter 4 | Cursed

Sometimes all you need is a second chance, because time wasn't
ready for the first one
- Unknown


My head is throbbing, my skin feels like it is melting, and yet, I cannot open my eyes. 

Is this what it is like to be dead? If I truly am dead, then why aren't I in heaven? Unless this is hell? But why would I be in hell, I haven't done anything to deserve this fate. 

My vision starts to finally clear and I see a large room around me, it is still burning hot, but not as unbearable as it was before. The room is dark, with a spiral in the middle, the spiral is made up of different elements.

In front of it, stands a woman with white hair and a long golden flowing dress which match her golden eyes. Although she gives an appearance of a kind person, the aura that surrounds her is powerful and I quickly realize that she is not someone to mess with or piss off.

"Alicia, Guardian of the Elements, rise," the woman says, stretching her arm out towards me in a gesture that is friendly yet commanding. I stand up effortlessly, and I try and take in my appearance as best as I can.

My left hand is gone, with no trace of it originally being there, and I am wearing a simple white flowing dress. I feel taller and older than I really am. My body moves on its own, walking towards the woman in front of me until I'm a few spaces away from her.

"Your, Jalvis, the goddess of life?"

"You are correct, it is good to finally meet you. But Alicia, this visit is sadly not for friendly matters. Your older sister, Aurora, has broken one of the oldest ancient laws of power." she pauses "The law of power transfer. As you are aware, a guardian must never transfer their power to another who is not compatible with that power or else they will depart from this world. This is what your sister has done, and sadly, now you must face the consequence of her actions."

"What was the power that she has given me?"

"Your sister has unlocked the fire within you before you reached your potential. In addition, she transferred her powers of light, which only one person in each year is born with that power. She was well aware of the fact that she was a child of light while you are a child of fire, water, and ice. The powers you now hold are too dangerous for you to control"

"I see. Then why is it that you have called me here? To tell me of the fact that I am a living broken law?"

The goddess shakes her head, "No Alicia. You are here to accept your punishment for your sister's actions, even if you had no direct choice in the decision. Currently, in the living world, you are dying in the fire that you were informed was going to occur. The blood fire in the house is absorbing your energy and burning you from the inside out." The goddess holds out her hand, and a light blue spirit ball forms in her hand "I can save you from death, but you must accept this curse as punishment and a reminder of the ancient law"

"What sort of curse is this?"

My voice sounds weaker than before like I was scared of what will happen to me with this curse or without it. It is true that I don't want to die, but something with the way the goddess speaks that leaves me with an unsettling feeling, like how I felt before the fire.

"This curse is called the "Ghost", essentially each year around your birthday, more and more of your left arm will be crushed by the weight of the wooden beam that originally crushed and shattered your hand. It will be replaced with your spirit. If you cannot find a cure for your curse by your twenty-fourth birthday, you will be killed and stuck as a ghost, wandering the world for eternity." Javis says, her voice sounding sympathetic and apologetic like she doesn't wish to give me this curse.

"Is there really no other option? I have to live with this curse or else I will die when my subconsciousness fades?" I say, after taking a minute to take in the goddess's words.

Live with a curse that will slowly kill me, or die after this conversation? Even though I will suffer a lot, I do have to live for my mother and sister, so maybe I can live with this curse?

I sigh, knowing that there is no other opinion and what my decision is.

"Very well. I will live with this curse. "

Jalvis nods her head and takes my left hand, even if it is non-existent at the moment. When she does, my hand suddenly returns, it is bright blue and see-through, exactly how a ghost is supposed to be like.

"Goodbye Alicia, I'm sorry to bring this curse onto you"

After these words are said, Jalvis disappears and my vision blacks out, making me think that I am out of the dreamland that I was in. From far away, voices can somewhat be heard through their owner and what they are saying is unrecognizable. I feel someone or something lift the beam off my hand and pick me up, but my vision is still gone.

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