Ch. 2: The Return of The Roach

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After school, I alerted the other club members I wouldn't be able to attend today as I had something come up recently. Yeah, this is about my birthday and coronation. Why both events? Because of some prophecy in Wondergrounds that mentioned a young prince or princess taking the throne once they turned 18 and I was about to come of age. We decided to combine them with a grad party as well so, we have a lot of planning to do. Good thing Ma wants me to go speak with my friends about this and see if anyone is willing to help.

I was now on my way to the park to meet up with the crew to discuss the party. Since I'd be crowned queen soon, I tried to prepare myself by practicing faking confidence and wisdom. I actually don't have as much of either of those as you'd expect from a ruler. I was broken from my thoughts when I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my jacket. I landed on the roof of an apartment complex to check it. It was my friend, Rosie. Ever since I met her back when I first enrolled in Ebbott High, she'd been sending me pictures, fanart, and memes that were all Mettaton related. It's annoying as heck because he's annoying as heck. No! Don't snoop in my phone gallery! I don't save any of them to my phone! I'm serious, guys! You're all nosy!

I quickly put my phone back in my pocket and took off towards the park again. I had to help them generate ideas and get the preparations started. I used a spell to increase my speed. The sooner I arrived, the better. I also heard there would be cotton candy and nice cream and I did not wanna miss that. Yes, I am a sugar addict and I do not intend to quit.

As I approached the street the park was on, I prepared to land and slowed myself down to avoid damaging any of the plant life. Yeah, I care about the environment, guys! What did you expect? Some stereotypical edgy teen who was born into royalty and just doesn't care about anything? There's way more to me as you'll see. Anyway, I gently touched down and went to join my friends at one of the tables nearby. I greeted them all casually as I began setting up.

"So, Ma asked me to discuss with you what we're doing for my coronation and birthday." I spoke, pulling out a pen and notepad "She already had the grad party covered and I have been putting off planning my coronation for months now. Any ideas, guys?" I looked around at my friends as they all took a moment to think. Finally, Frisk made a suggestion.

"How about another unicorn-themed party?" spoke the brunette human "You enjoyed that one girl's party when you went to do a gig at her place. Sure, it was for a younger child, but it was still fun." I knew what she was talking about. I remembered that kid's party. She had invited all her friends and told her parents she wanted to meet the coolest unicorn. That's why I was called over. And it was an awesome party even if it was kept appropriate for the age of those little girls. I turned over the thought of another unicorn-themed party for myself. I knew I'd had a few in the past but, I didn't want it to be strictly unicorns. I wanted some variety and fun.

"That's one idea. What if we didn't do a strictly unicorn-themed party?" I threw in the idea of including other creatures or interests to mix things up a little. I knew this would generate more ideas.

"Are you saying we should go all out, Uni?" Hoth queried "I'm not saying it's a bad idea. I'm just trying to figure out how many things we're going to do and how to decorate." I then explained what to include. I went over everything from the color pallette and activities to music and the guest list. I'm not dealing with snobbish jerks or traditional, misogynistic men again. It's my party and I decide who gets invited. I've had enough of those people. If I run into one at the party, I will obliterate him. I don't care if it wrecks my image because I don't do this "traditional queen" or "traditional wife" shtick. I refuse to be tamed and tied down. Wait, scratch everything I told you about a public brawl like that ruining my reputation. I'd like people to know I'm psycho.

I watched them bounce ideas off each other. They seemed to be in agreement. Now, I just had to bring this up with Ma later. Also, my social battery just died so I had to get home. Yeah, I'm introverted. So, I started packing up to leave when Mettaton had one more idea for the party. "Before you make any final decisions, darling, I'd like to suggest something you could consider for the cake." the robot began "Would it be alright if I jumped out the cake again? I know you said to never pull that stunt again but, I just can't resist after seeing your reaction last time."

I remembered how I almost cut through his head last time since I thought it was a normal cake until I saw him coming out. That whole situation is still being talked about and it continues to ruin my reputation as a strong warrior. I didn't want him to risk it again. I didn't wanna risk becoming a massive joke in my own kingdom. So, I came up with something that would keep him from wasting another perfectly good cake and scaring the shtick outta me.

"That didn't end well last time, Mett." I told him "How about you just stay out of the cake this year? You can help make it, but you may not jump out of it. There will be other royals and rich peeps who don't want chocolate buttercream on them." Maybe I kinda lied about inviting royals and rich peeps but, I'm still right about other guests not wanting icing on them.

Mettaton looked a little bummed that he couldn't jump out of the cake again. I then told him I'd consider it next year and that seemed to take some of the sting away. I'm not just doing this to keep the cake in one piece before we dig into it. I'm also making sure I don't end up killing him on accident since I'll probably be the one cutting the cake. Go ahead, get it out. I know you're all gonna say I'm being all sweet, protective, and cute. Well, I'm not! I never have been and never will be! Protective? Yes. Cute and sweet? Heck no! I just don't want that army of crazed fangirls hunting me down for ending his life.

You remember what happened in my dream from the last chapter? Guess who just escaped Mt. Ebbott? My father! You wanna know how I know? Well, Hoth, Hothead, and Alphys helped make a tracking system specifically for pedophiles, creeps, stalkers, and other horrible amber alert situations. I checked my phone and the tracker I had as soon as I heard the alarm. Father was plotting to raid a suburban neighborhood of all the little kids on the block. I can't let them fall victim to him and his schemes. I quickly excused myself from the group to go get my armor and drop off my bag at home. I had to get to that neighborhood fast in order to defend those children.

Oh, you would like to know what my father did to me and if he's gathering kids to be his next victims? Alright, I'll fill you in. I was sexually abused for ten years by him and that's exactly what he'll do to other women and kids if I don't stop him. I was a toddler when it all started and I really haven't been able to trust a lot of people since. Everywhere I go, I just feel like there's always one guy looking to get lucky with me and I get so afraid and anxious around any man I come in contact with. That's why I avoid them and why I'm not comfortable with a lot of affection or being touched at all by men. Now, I'm the cold, undefeatable princess with a large sword and a perfect revenge plan to finally end all my eternal suffering and pain. I just have to get away with murder and I'll still be allowed to take the throne while ending my father's reign of tyranny over my life and the lives of mystics.

As I prepared to duel him in the neighborhood, I alerted my guards and they soon were on their way out. I looked outside as they left the mansion and saw my friends waiting for me. I expected Hoth and Digger to be there. I just never expected Spamton or Mettaton to be with them. I still morphed into a unicorn and flew down to join them. I only let Digger ride with me and told the guys to find another way to follow us. Mettaton and Spamton had to switch to their NEO forms. Hoth just held onto Spamton's leg so he wouldn't be left behind. Once we had everyone together, we followed the driveway to the main road to get to the neighborhood. This was only the start of the insanity. I was hoping it would also be the end of it.

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