Prologue: The Untamed Warrior

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There once was an old palace. This palace was very special since it sat in the center of a small kingdom. Not only that, but those who lived in it were a race of animal people or a sub-race of monsters called mystics. The whole kingdom was made up of these creatures. These mystics had very unique abilities and powers as well as appearances. Some were more common than others. There were canines, felines, reptiles, amphibians, equines, and pretty much any species of animal from the surface.

Why were these people living in a secluded kingdom apart from the rest of the world? Well, it all started with a war between humans and monsters that ended with humans being victorious. This meant they all had to go underground. When they agreed to these terms, the humans set up a magical barrier to keep them apart. We mystics had some trouble getting along with monsters since we looked similar to humans but, we had magic and they didn't like that. So, we just kinda stuck to our own parts of the cavern and built a wall to protect both kingdoms.

Anyway, fast-forward several generations until we get to 201X. Okay, you can stop now! Take a look at what this kingdom has become! Hey, it's that palace I was telling you about! I wonder what's happening there! Let's go check it out! Everything is going smoothly right now but, what is that on Ma's new carpet?! She just had that installed! Let's get a closer look, guys. Oh, roaches... Great... He's here again. Long story short, the ex-king was kind of a major jerk and he wasn't the man we thought he was. I'll explain more later.

So, there's another invasion led by a corrupted cockroach named Cocker Roach. Yeah, he's the ex-king. Who's the current ruler? You'll see in a minute. Okay, she's coming up the stairs now, guys. This is Queen Lioness Trueblood, my Ma. I know what you're thinking. "Why is there a female lion in charge? Isn't it the Lion King, not the Lion Queen?" Not in this kingdom! Male lions are really just like figureheads. They aren't the real leaders of the pride. Also, the females do all the hunting. It's just the patriarchy and over-inflated egos of men that created the idea of the Lion King.

Looks like she's still going upstairs here. Oh, she's just gonna warn my brother about the invasion. Where do I come into all this? We'll get there soon, dudes. Just hang in there! My brother is reaching for the rope by his bed and he's gonna pull it to trigger the wooden mallet on the ceiling. We put together that gadget to communicate easily since he doesn't have a phone yet.

"Sis, he's back in the castle again!" he called. Unfortunately, I wasn't in my room. He tried again while Ma started making her way up to my door. He said he wasn't scared when the roaches came into his room because he's a dragon but, Ma told me otherwise. At least Hothead is starting to come around now.

Okay, I have set everything up and have built the suspense. Now, you finally get to meet me. Come back down to the castle doors for a minute. I wanna show you something! Boo yah! That awesome person wearing that armor that just flew inside? That's me! What up! I'm Uniqua Trueblood, punk rocker, stealth warrior, artist, crafter, gamer, captian of the mystic guard, and princess of mystics! Yeah, I have a lot to juggle. But my strength and magic help me get through. Oh, and my music, my family, my friends. They mean the world to me. That's why I fight as hard as I do to protect them.

Back to the epic battle! I'm just flying around the palace, scanning the floor an walls for my dad... Well, I shouldn't call him my "dad" since he never felt like one. I usually just call him Father because he did do the thing with Ma and created both me and Hothead. But you may call him whatever you want. Turdface, monster, demon man, child predator. I could go on forever but, I'll spare you for now. Anyway, there's a door behind the curtains in the throne room, back behind the thrones. It leads to a secret room where we keep all the prized artifacts of our people. One of them is a crown that has been passed down to every ruler of our kingdom. Father has been trying to overthrow Ma and get into this room ever since the divorce, which wasn't that long ago. But why is that door cracked open? Let's go investigate.

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