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         Instagram // Chat Group                Once Upon a Time

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Instagram // Chat Group
Once Upon a Time

So, as the title says, this will be a Once Upon a Time Instagram/Chat group book. But instead of writing the comments and all that jazz, you readers will be commenting in the bottom but as the OUAT characters. So basically like roleplaying. I will show an example of what I mean in the very bottom.

Table of Contents
i. When OUAT gets a phone
Basically, everyone post something.

ii. National Father's Day
Everyone post a picture with their dad Or grandfather- even great granddad.

iii. Lyric Prank
Lyric Prank. Request a song and I will write the reaction.

iv. Twenty Questions
Twenty Questions, simple as that.

v. Kiss, Marry, Kill
Basically as I say: but you will decide.

vi. National Mother's Day
Same thing as Father's Day, but with mothers or grandmothers.

vii. Shipping War
We all know how this is going to work.
Basically a ship or sink.

More chapter ideas coming soon.

List of Characters

Emma Swan
Killian Jones
Neal Cassidy
Regina Mills
Henry Mills
Mr. Gold
Robin Hood
Peter Pan
Wendy Darling
August Wayne Booth
David Nolan
Mary Margaret
Graham Humbert
Fa Mulan

I will add more characters, only if remind who to add and if you want me to add them.

- No bully shall be allow ( Unless like a joke or sarcastic remarks, but don't go out of line )

- Don't control other people, shall I remind you that this is texting.

- Use Text Language, because you are a commentator in Instagram.

- Only one person per character, which is why I'm creating groups. So everyone can have a chance to role play.

- You must be in your group only. No joining other people's group. But if you want to switch groups, you must Pm about it and I can see what I can do.

- You must be active or you will lose your spot and someone else will take your character.

- don't worry about who starts, I will add a section for each group so they know where to start.

- You control your ships, but don't force someone to ship a ship they don't like ( unless your just joking around ) but seriously, don't force someone to ship a ship they don't like, but also don't make weird ass crack ships either. I don't mind who you ship. I respect who y'all ship. ( Imma be honest though, I tiny bit ship Captain Charming, like a brotp. )

- You don't have to say I gtg, You can leave, this is legitimately Instagram.

- This may give you a chance to make new friends. But hey, who am I to judged, I'm not tinder.

- Don't be original, but weird and funny if you like.

- Please note I will be reading these comments like a weirdo I am, but I won't judge anyone, think of me as a ghost.

- please pm me if you quit or want to leave this roleplay chat.


Let's say @JamesRoss wants to be Emma Swan. He has to comment at the character list ( Above ) and tell me, in which I will I add him to an available group ( In which I will show the groups in the next chapter. ) Lets say he's in Group 3, he will only be allow to be to chat with those people. Example ↴

Let's say I post a chapter
@EmmaSwan_Savior Posted

EmmaSwan_Savior I swear he's trying to poison me!!! Jk, love you Neal ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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EmmaSwan_Savior I swear he's trying to poison me!!! Jk, love you Neal ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

COMMENTS ( I will add section so you know where to start and where each group goes. )


@JamesRoss writes this ↴

Emma Swan: I love this picture, it's makes me soooooooo happy.

And then someone that goes by @Helloitsme who plays Regina Mills replies

Regina Mills: Disgusting.

And you basically continue on, but make sure it's in your group. So remember who's in your group. I hope you understand, I'm sorry if you don't but I wish the best of luck.

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