The Invasion

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Authors Notes: First of all, thank you for reading this! This is my first piece of writing on a fanfiction website, so I hope it turns out well. Secondly, I tried to put in a few French colloquialisms, phrases, and terms of endearment to make sure the story had an accurate french flair. By the way, "Ma chere" means my darling in french- I use it a lot in this story. I have added translations in parenthesis for all of the important french phrases, though I do write a majority of the dialogue in english, even though the characters should be speaking french. This is a slow burning romance, and I didn't feel as though I would be doing the story any justice to rush it as it didn't feel very natural for two enemies to fall into bed together immediately. Please stay with this story, I promise there will be some SMUT, but as all writers say, the longer you wait for something, the more you will appreciate it! I will try to update with a few chapters every weekend. Thanks! Feel free to leave comments for any suggestions on how it should end!


Rey sat in the garden. The scent of jasmine filling her nose. Her hair was tied back in a thin light blue ribbon. She felt the wind stir up the loose pieces of her hair, twirling them around her face. She felt the envelope's smooth surface. All the bumps and odd creases. Finn held this letter. It was his last letter to her before he was captured just north of Paris with his troop nearly a month ago, yet she was still too afraid to open it. Slowly, she pealed the envelope apart and took out the inner letter. His handwriting was shaky- he was scared when he wrote this. 

Ma chere Rey,

I am afraid I don't have much time. The germans should be here within moments. There is nothing to be done. I pray you will be safe, ma chere, and that the germans will not reach you. I have heard rumors of the German troop 491 being particularly brutal. They will descend upon us in moments. I heard rumors that their leader, Ren, massacred all of the french soldiers even after they surrendered- Il est un animal! I can only hope to escape their fate! As I seal this letter, I can hear guns firing. I hope this letter can reach you. My last request to you, is that you check in on Rose and see her well taken care of though this difficult time.


Rey's breath caught in her throat. She could feel his fear radiate through the paper and into her heart. She recognized the name he mentioned: Ren. He was the leader of the German troop that was rumor to be arriving within a fortnight to manage the occupation of her town. She went cold. Rey and Finn were married the morning that he was deployed and it was never love. Rey had always found it strange, that Finn's mother was so eager to have Finn marry someone from so low on the social ladder, especially after Finn and Rey had met only one time previous to their wedding day. Yet, Rey still cared for him. He was her husband after all. If something happened to Rey couldn't let herself go down that path. Rey pushed Finn to the side of her mind, eager to focus on the much more problematic issues at hand - Ren. 

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