Ch. 1: Sweet Dreams Or Dark Nightmares?

Start from the beginning

"I would've allowed it if I had never been so violated when I was a filly!" I snarled before turning back to my father. I watched the old roach stumble back down due to his arthritis. He tried to use this to his advantage.

"Uni, you have to get help!" Father called to me "I don't think I can walk!" I simply just walked away at that point. I knew he was clearly faking and I just wanted to get home so I can sleep more. Mettaton held the door as I approached the stairwell, bowing respectfully to show off in front of my father. I could tell he was flirting but, I had already had enough with men for one day.

I could hear Father's pleas for help as Mett and I walked back down to rejoin the others in the lobby. He began to sound annoyed and angry since I refused to call an ambulance for him. I don't pity him and his arthritis at all because of how he treated me and my family. Instead, I chose to focus more on today's schedule as I pulled out my phone and took a look at everything I had planned.

First order of business, school. I have to be there to present my final project in Economics and I also have to provide some killer riffs and solos for the school's new jazz band. I can't skip those over a few hours of sleep. I mean, I have still shown up for everything else on less sleep, so how hard can it be? Then, I have all the club meetings in-between and after all that, my counseling services for trauma-processing and anxiety, barrel racing with Digger, video games with Hothead, dinner with me, late-night training, and wrestling with my inner demons and thoughts of causing utter chaos while everyone else is asleep. It was at this point that I realized I may have double-booked somewhere and cluttered my whole schedule again. I then made a note to move a few things to tomorrow to allow more time to charge my social battery.

By the time we had reached the lobby, nearly all the roaches Father brought with him had been killed off and cleaned up. The nests had already been removed and they were planning to bug-bomb the place to get rid of any stragglers. This meant Mettaton would have to close the studio until the process is complete. It also meant I had to put up with his insufferable flirting and his bickering with Hoth over who gets to take me to Olive Garden or BJ's. I now had to find excuses to avoid him at all costs. What!? No! It's not like I like him or anything, dude! Why are you so weird? Just let a pony live without worrying about men and how her worth is dependent on how skinny and decorated she is to attract a mate!

Once we finished getting rid of the roaches, the guards and officers left the scene. Everyone filed out and went their separate ways. I was about to leave when Mettaton quickly grabbed my arm and stepped in front of me. I was pretty mad at him until I saw my father crawling towards us. I was ready to throw hooves again and I wasn't gonna let anyone hold me back from finishing what I started. The old roach had been charging his magic on his way over and lunged at us. I didn't care if Mettaton was trying to defend me. I still jumped out and slashed at my father. Unfortunately, he also struck me with his powers.

I felt myself growing weaker and I couldn't stand. I struggled and fought to get back up. But it wasn't enough. I could just make out my father slinking away into the alleys as Mettaton rushed over to me. I steadied myself as best I could, using my sword as a crutch. Mettaton quickly scooped me up and took me back inside his studio. He helped me get comfortable before calling an ambulance. I thought I had finally killed Father when I attacked him. I was sure I left a deadly wound. But I couldn't tell since he fled so quickly. All I knew was that I could be on my deathbed in the next 24 hours.

My vision was fading. I was fading. This wasn't how I originally planned it but, at least I can die knowing my people will finally get the future I promised them even if I'm not in it. I can only hope they don't let Hothead take the throne when he comes of age. Wait, I should probably tell Mettaton to check the journals in my safe before I kick the bucket. But how do I tell him when all I can see is a colorful blob? A colorful blob that was telling me to hang on a little longer? That's all I heard until I finally shut my eyes.

Then, I opened them with a jolt. Man, that was the strangest dream I've ever had. I looked around my room and took a moment to gather myself before shutting off my alarm clock. I then went to my closet and checked if my armor was still in its case. Surprisingly, everything was exactly the way I left it last night. So, it really was just a dream. A really weird dream where Father and I killed each other and Mettaton stayed with me the whole time. He needs to stop appearing in my dreams, dude. It's getting out of hoof at this point.

Anyway, I chose to just get ready for school and go on with my day. If I see Mettaton out at all, I'm just gonna avoid him and I won't say anything about my dream. But I still think I should consider researching what it could all mean because I have a feeling it could be kinda important.

I quickly showered and got dressed before heading downstairs to grab breakfast. Ma was getting ready for work and Hothead was just finishing his waffles so she could drop him off on her way out. I just went along with my plan and held my usual grimace as I went about pouring myself some cereal.

"So, how'd you sleep, Uni?" asked Ma as she filled her thermos with coffee "Hothead and I heard some shouting from your room. Did you have anyone up there with you?" I knew she meant well but, I only invite people up to my room if I trust them enough and it's always during the day when they come over. I never allow anyone up there while I'm sleeping. I have boundaries and trust issues. Getting into my room at all is like getting into Heaven. It's a pain in the flank. You gotta pass all these trials and earn access to it. None of these trials are easy so, you have to put in a lot of work before you see me opening the door for you.

"I slept fine, Ma." I replied "And you know I never invite anyone to stay the night. Even if you did hear anything, it was probably nothing." I put the milk away and joined Hothead at the table with my bowl. Another reason I wasn't saying anything about my dream was because I knew they'd ask more questions about what Mettaton was doing in it. I knew they'd pester me about it, teasing me about some stupid crush on a robot celebrity. I didn't wanna deal with it so, I kept it to myself.

After breakfast, I packed my bag with everything I'll need for the day and got ready to head out. Ma and Hothead were loading up to go as well. Before leaving, Ma told me to ask our friends to help put together my birthday and coronation. Now, I had no choice but to go ask Mettaton for his help and discuss the details with him. Now, I had no choice but to be near his stupid flank! The one thing I really wanted to do today is something I actually have to squeeze into my schedule and if I mention a party for myself around him, I know he's gonna jump out of a cake at the party. Pray for me, guys. I'm gonna need the strength and patience to deal with him.

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