Chapter 30

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The sun was rising over the pine forest. Most of the snow had melted, and only patches of it remained in the shadows of trees and dips in the ground where the sunlight couldn't reach it as quickly. Leaf-bare was finally coming to an end.

Maplefur crouched, sniffing for prey. He picked up the scent of frog and spotted it near the trunk of a pine tree. It's a bit soon for frogs to return. But I'm not complaining. ShadowClan needs more prey. He carefully crept over the pine needles toward it. When he was close enough, he sprang and grasped it in his claws, finishing it off with a nip to the neck.

When he carried it back to the patrol, the others looked at him approvingly. The two younger warriors, Cobratail and Poppywing, looked impressed.

"Great catch!" Poppywing exclaimed, and he dipped his head in thanks.

"The prey is running well today," Bluerain commented as she led her patrol through the trees. "Thank StarClan it's almost new-leaf!"

Not far from her, Crowmask nodded in agreement. "Between Bone Shred's rogues and the snow, it's a miracle we survived."

Thank StarClan that's over. Maplefur thought as he scraped a hole in the earth and buried his frog. Bone Shred's rogues had terrorized the clans for moons. Many cats had died, including Maplefur's parents, Baconstripe and Redblaze. He missed them terribly. 

Things had been beginning to look hopeless when a RiverClan warrior named Iceslide fought Bone Shred for the fate of the forest. The RiverClan cat had defeated him, but it had cost him his own life. At the gathering following the battle, Shimmerstar had spoken highly of Iceslide, and every cat honored his bravery and sacrifice. The rogues had retreated back to twolegplace, and the forest was safe once more.

"Let's try in the marsh by the WindClan border," Maplefur suggested. "We should catch some extra prey for Sunflower and her kits." 

"We'd have better luck by the ThunderClan border," Cobratail pointed out, flicking his tail. "That way we'll be downwind. And the marsh hasn't completely thawed yet, so there won't be many frogs."

Realizing he was right, Maplefur dipped his head. "Great idea." Cobratail was very wise, despite being a young warrior like he was. Depthwater chose him often for patrols and relied on him nearly as much as the senior warriors.

They continued through the trees when suddenly the bushes rustled in front of them. Bluerain stopped, and the others halted behind her, their ears pricked and alert as they watched the bushes.

"What is it?" Maplefur murmured uncertainly. There was too much movement for it to be prey. It was something large, like a cat or a fox.

Crowmask sniffed the air and bristled. "Rogue!" He crouched and let out a snarl. "Come out and show yourself!"

The patrol spread out and stood, preparing to face the intruder. Maplefur unsheathed his claws and stared at the bush, his tail lashing slowly. 

"Please don't hurt me!" A she-cat's voice rose from the bushes, rich with fear. "I mean you no harm."

"We'll be the judge of that!" Crowmask snapped, his neck fur bristling. "Show yourself, now!"

It was silent for a moment. Then the leaves rustled, and a golden she-cat stepped out of the bushes, her amber eyes wide and uneasy. "I-"

Before she could speak, Crowmask lunged at her and rolled her to the ground, pinning her and hissing. Maplefur immediately shot forward in alarm. "What are you doing? He gasped.

"She's a rogue!" The black warrior snapped at him. He sniffed her and she flinched, her eyes lit with terror. "And one of Bone Shred's, too. I'd recognize that scent anywhere, I'm so sick of it." He raised an unsheathed paw.

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