Chapter 17

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A full moon shone down on the snow blanketing the ground, the frosty surface glittering in the moonlight. Iceslide followed his clanmates through the snow, leaving pawprints behind them as they headed toward fourtrees. It had been a long time since he'd been to a gathering, and he was looking forward to it.

Three days had passed since he'd taken Bone Shred and his cats to the woodland outside RiverClan territory. He'd sneaked out yesterday to see how they were settling in, and he'd been glad to see that they'd certainly made a home for themselves. The cats had been making nests under bushes and inside logs, and some had even started building dens out of sticks and small branches. He'd been glad to see it.

When they reached the clearing at fourtrees, many cats were already gathered, and Iceslide recognized the scents of ThunderClan and ShadowClan. Stormstar and Birchstar sat on the great rock, speaking to each other, while their medicine cats and deputies sat below them among the roots of the great oaks.

Iceslide spotted his friend, Baconstripe, among the ShadowClan warriors, but he was deep in conversation with Redblaze and a young warrior named Ashcloud. I'd better not bother him. He decided, mildly disappointed. 

He looked around and saw Broadwing and Birdsong, and weaved through the crowd of ThunderClan cats toward them. "Hey," He greeted them.

Birdsong's eyes brightened. "Iceslide, long time no see! Where have you been?" 

"Err, I just haven't been chosen to go to the past few gatherings," Iceslide meowed, thinking quickly. There's no way I'm telling them that Shimmerstar revoked my warrior name for a while! "It's good to see you! How's the prey running in ThunderClan?"

Broadwing nodded. "It's running well. We'd better make the most of it before leaf-bare arrives." He looked down and shook snow from his paw. "It won't be long now."

"WindClan has arrived," A white tom padded over, and Iceslide was taken back by him.

"Snowpaw, is that you?" Iceslide exclaimed. The last time he'd seen the apprentice, he'd been big for his age. But now, he was nearly as tall as his mentor, and had the same broad shoulders. "Great StarClan, you've grown!"

The apprentice dipped his head, flicking a tufted ear in embarrassment. "Thank you, I've been training hard," He meowed proudly.

Broadwing looked at Snowpaw proudly. "That's right. He'll be completing his assessment soon."

"I'm sure you'll be a great warrior," Iceslide meowed, and Snowpaw dipped his head in thanks.

"Let the gathering begin!"

Iceslide turned to the great rock and saw that all the leaders were present. SkyClan must have arrived while we were talking. He dipped his head to the ThunderClan cats, then went to join with his own clan. He settled beside Sunripple and turned his attention to the leaders, and the other cats in the clearing quickly quieted. 

Birchstar was the first to speak. He stepped forward, his white patches like snow on his tabby fur, and raised his voice for all to hear. "Cats of all clans, welcome to the gathering. I will begin." He paused, looking down on the cats gathered below. "ThunderClan has been well. Our medicine cat, Flowerwing, has begun training an apprentice, Spicepaw."

Below the great rock, Iceslide saw the new apprentice sitting with the other medicine cats. He was a small black tom with a white muzzle. He looked uneasy under the gazes of the other cats, but also excited. Flowerwing sat beside him, looking proud of him.

"That is all that ThunderClan has to share." Birchstar dipped his head and stepped back, sitting down as Stormstar rose. 

"I'm pleased to say that ShadowClan is thriving," The dark gray tabby meowed, his green eyes shining with pride. "My mate, Silverblossom, has given birth to two healthy kits, Dewkit and Diamondkit." He paused as some cats murmured congratulations to the ShadowClan leader, then continued. "We also have several new warriors. Firstly, we have Maplefur, Rosebreeze, and Milkblaze!"

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