Chapter 5

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Iceslide lay near the warriors den, grooming himself. The sun was setting, tinting the camp in a golden hue. Most cats were relaxing at this time. His old mentor, Frozenripple, was stretched outside the nursery with his mate, Petalfin. Both cats purred loudly, and the tom wrapped his fluffy silver and white tail around her. Iceslide noticed how large her stomach had gotten. She's expecting his kits. He remembered overhearing some cat say it. It can't be long now until they're born.

Lilynose was play fighting with her brother, and Iceslide was almost relieved that she wasn't over here bothering him. She's nice and all, but I like being alone. She pounced on Creekleap's back and pinned him, letting out a purr. "Got you!"

The golden tabby tom growled playfully and grunted as he rolled over, pushing her off. "Not yet, you don't!" He laughed and batted her ear softly. Lilynose laughed and sprang at him, then started poking at his exposed belly with her small paws.

"Hey!" Creekleap yelped and struggled to free himself. "That tickles!"

"Lilynose! Creekleap!" 

The siblings froze and leaped apart. Shimmerstar padded toward them, her eyes stern but warm. "Are you warriors or kits?" She asked.

Creekleap straightened, puffing out his pale chest. "I'm a warrior!" He exclaimed, shooting his sister a glance. "I don't know about her though." Lilynose stuck her tongue out at him.

"Our kits are the best warriors in the clan." Salmonstripe padded up beside Shimmerstar, his eyes warm as he looked at the two warriors. "Wouldn't you say so?"

Shimmerstar let out a purr. "You know as leader, I can't favorite any warriors." She paused, glancing around to make sure no other cat was near. "But if I had to choose, it would be you three." She purred. Salmonstripe pushed his muzzle into her fur while Creekleap and Lilynose purred at their mother.

Movement at the side of the clearing caught Iceslide's eye. He paused mid-lick and saw Frostedcloud heading for the center of the clearing. "It's time to send out the last patrols for the day," He announced, raising his voice so that every cat could hear him. "Would anyone like to go hunting?"

Salmonstripe looked over his shoulder from where he sat with Shimmerstar and his kits. "I'll go," He offered, padding over to the deputy. "I can take Heronpaw too." He looked to the apprentice's den. "Heronpaw!"

The young gray tom poked his head out of the apprentice's den, his amber eyes flashing eagerly. "Did someone say 'hunting patrol'? I'm coming!" He shot out of the den to his mentor and Iceslide couldn't hide his amusement. The apprentice had unusually long legs that proved to be very beneficial for hunting. Not only could he run faster and cover more ground than most RiverClan cats, but he could reach further into the river to catch fish. Though this led him to boast and be overconfident in his abilities, no warrior could deny the fact that Heronpaw was a great asset to the clan and would make a fine warrior one day.

Frostedcloud chuckled. "Of course, Heronpaw." He scanned the clearing. "Mudslip, Shallowpool, you can join them."

"Sure!" Mudslip stretched out from where he'd been sitting by the nursery, arching his brown back. "My paws are itching to get out of camp." Iceslide remembered that Vixenwhisper was in the nursery with his kits. Mudslip had been allowed breaks from his warrior duties to spend time with Vixenwhisper and his kits.

As Frostedcloud carried on organizing patrols, Iceslide continued lapping at his sleek white fur, cleaning bits of leaves and dirt from it. Thank StarClan I'll have a nice quiet evening here. He thought. Actually, maybe I'll go visit Parrot and Violet? Yeah! That's what I'll-

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