"Love? So friends can do it? I love my friends!" Kai felt uncomfortable explaining this to the girl. He didn't know if it was because she was completely wrong about the idea, or because it was the word kiss.

"I don't think human friends do that." Kai trailed off.

"Then, tell me! Tell me in your own words, what the stupid word means!" She exclaimed, starting to get both frustrated and embarrassed.

"Okay!" Kai defended. Miseo closed her mouth and hugged her knees against her chest as she stared at Kai patiently. "People kiss when they love each other more than friends." Kai stopped, he didn't know how to continue.

"Go on," miseo encouraged, but Kai shrugged.

"It's hard to explain this–"

"Then give me an example!" She suggested, still waiting patiently or him. Kai's eyes grew wide after her words. What did she mean by example, exactly? "Like...two people I know, that might help me understand what you're supposed to feel when you kiss?" She further explained. Oh, of course she meant that kind of example, what was Kai even thinking?

"Do you know the past of Doctor?" He asked.

"Yes, I do," she mumbled.

"It's like the way Doctor felt for the woman. And how the woman and the man felt for each other. I think they kissed." Kai shrugged again, but that was the perfect example for Miseo to understand.

"Oh, I get it now!" She exclaimed in excitement, but then she thought about it for a second more, and softened her expression. "Oh," she remembered when Renjun and Jeno kissed her.

"Why'd you ask?" Kai questioned, not thinking much of it.

"I was just wondering, you know?" She lied, but Kai fell for it and just nodded in response. "Have you seen it? How the people feel and how they look at each other?" She asked to change the subject.

"Yes, I have. Only in the movies though." He replied, keeping his eyes on the road. "It looks nice," he commented. "to have someone like that."

"It does?" She asked, but then Kai shrugged again. "When we get back, can we watch those all those movies that you talk about?" Kai broke into a smile, as he finally took a glance at Miseo in the passenger's seat beside him.

"Yes, of course." Kai told her, grinning from ear to ear. No one but Beomgyu was interested in these human activities, so this was all new to him.

"With the dreamers too, of course!" Miseo suddenly added awkwardly. "Unless they're not interested then, it could just be me and ... you." She grew silent, when she realized she was rambling herself off the cliff of embarrassment.

"Yes, that is the plan." Kai agreed, ignoring her awkward state. "Oh, we can also watch the movies that have a series!"

"Series?" Miseo questioned, still hiding herself behind her knees.

"Yes, there are these movies that are shorter than others and go on for up to 20 or more videos. All happening immediately after each movie." Kai tried his best to explain.

"Oh, yeah! I've heard of those. I remember Jisung and Chenle watching a series called SpongePants, or something like that. The short movies were like 20 minutes long, and there were like hundreds of them!" Miseo remembered, looking up the roof of the car. "Do you know what they're called?"

Kai thought for a moment. "I think they were called..." he tried his hardest to remember, but, he couldn't. "I...I think..." Miseo looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. "I forgot.." he admitted looking at the road with furrowed eyebrows.

"That's okay, everyone forgets."

"No, Miseo. I forgot." Then, he looked at her with the most serious expression. Miseo's expression turned serious now.

"Kai, you're scaring me." She quaked.

"I'm not supposed to forget, Miseo. I'm programmed to drill each piece of information into my system. I'm supposed to know what the series of movies is called!" His panicked state, cause Miseo to panic. She didn't know what to tell him.

"Maybe your programmed stystem isn't working–"

"What do you mean it isn't working? If it isn't working then I'm broken." Kai trembled.

"Then, you're broken–"

"I can't be broken! It wouldn't be such a minor damage. It would be a major malfunction if one program is out of place." He panicked even more.

"Then, I don't know!" Miseo yelled. Kai realised how crazy all of this was sounding to Miseo and sighed a sad sigh. "Is it really such a big deal that you forgot one vocabulary?" She asked.

"Yes," Kai said. "A robot can't forget things," his voice trembled. There was a few seconds of silence between the two in the car. By this time, Kai had already put the car to a stop and just stared into space.

"A human can forget things..." Miseo mumbled. Kai looked at her, and the two held each other's gaze.

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