"What are you talking about Gary?"

"Don't play dumb with me, I know that you've picked up all my tricks and more before I left Kanto!" He laughed.

Yet suddenly, he got closer to my ear and whispered something to me. "Lemme just tell you though, Serena's got one helluva boyfriend. One you certainly don't wanna mess with, especially if I were you."

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Hold on. First of all, I can handle quite a lot you know. And second, why would I even want to mess with her boyfriend?"

He rolled his eyes. "Putting aside the fact that you're putting up that dense act again, I do have to admit that I'd like to see the guy get messed up. He's just a real douchebag, is all." He finished whispering.

"Anyways! I hope you're ready for the most amazing class known to exist: biology with professor E-E-Elm!" Gary gestured with his arms in the air, as if he revealed a title. Why did he stutter though?

"Alright class, s-settle down e-e-everyone! Take you s-seats!" A tall but, very skinny man wearing a lab coat entered the classroom. His hair looked like he had just woken up, but then again, so does mine.

"I-It seems you all have a new classmate as well. Now then, would you like t-t-to introduce y-yourself to the rest of th-the class?" He motioned for me to stand in the front of the classroom and introduce myself.

"Well uhh... I'm Ash Ketchum, I transferred here all the way from Kanto. That's... pretty much it, I guess. Nice to meet you all." I gave everyone a friendly smile.

"Yes, yes. Let's all get a-along well. Now Ash, you can just pick one of the e-e-empty seats." He stuttered while waving his hands around.

I plopped myself down next to Gary. "You ready to have him teach us sexual education?" He mouthed to me before wiggling his eyebrows.

I looked between Gary's joking face and the professor multiple times to let his comment sink in. "Nah man, the dude's gonna faint." We both chuckled softly.

"Hey you two! If you're not going to be quiet anytime soon, I'll fine you!" We heard some high-pitched voice loudly whisper at us.

Both Gary and I turned around slightly to meet a blond haired kid. "Barry, your 'whispers' are louder than our regular voices." Gary stated.

"Not only that..." The guy with purple hair and a stern expression next to Barry started talking intimidatingly, "you look real pathetic when trying to fine someone."

"W-well! No one asked for your opinion!" Barry exclaimed, still trying to be quiet though.

"No Barry, Paul's just stating the facts." Gary replied, to which Paul nodded and I chuckled.

"Oh shut up-"

"B-B-Barry! B-Be quiet, please?" Elm nervously asked him.

At that point we all laughed softly, even the stern-looking Paul let a chuckle escape.


*After Biology*

"Alright Ash, as you prolly know, Kalos is a whole lot different compared to Kanto, with that said, I'm gonna teach you the basics around here. To do so successfully, I expect you to treat me as your all-knowing master, alright?" Gary explained all that nonsense with a completely serious face.

"Cut the crap Gary, who will ever treat you like that? You're making yourself sound more pathetic than you already are." Paul told him while passing us in the hallway.

Gary put his arm around my shoulders. "Don't mind Paul, he's usually like this. Now, if you just follow me for the rest of the day and do exactly as I do, you will certainly be popular in no time. Especially with the ladies..." He winked at me, which he should probably never do again.

"First up, we have English! Now Ash, English is actually one of the easiest classes to impress the ladies, you'll have Serena swooning over you in just a couple of days. I'm 70% sure that it is 90% guaranteed to work." He sounded like he was advertising some product. A crappy product.

"Dude, nothing you say makes sense at all." I sweatdropped.

"What are you talking about, I'm your all-knowing-"

"How could you be popular, especially with the ladies? And how can you even impress girls in English class? By sleeping gracefully? And what has Serena to do with all of your chitchat? Don't even get me started on your percentages of 'success'."

"Oh shush. You see Ashy-boy, you're far too much of a novice when it comes to this aspect in life. But never fear, because I am here!"

I cringed due to his overflowing ego and self confidence. "Whatever man, just show me the way to English already, we're gonna be late."


Well, well, well. The second chapter has come to it's end as well. I hope you'll stick around for the next ones too though hahaha.

Please consider to leave behind a vote, a comment or whatever, as all the support/feedback is highly appreciated ;p

Published: 18th of May, 2019

Sweet, Like Honey - Pokémon {SatoSere}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن