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In the blink of an eye, someone can go from a dark screen to a colorful dream. Last thing I remember is lying in bed, reading a book, in an attempt to fall asleep. Nerves keeping me up late into the nights recently, a good night's sleep before school started would be very beneficial. The fact that I fell asleep makes me excited, school starts in five hours. The fact that the blackness surrounding me has become a colorful forest has me on edge. I'm not one who enjoys dreaming.

The deep green of the trees around me, bright blue of the sky above me, dark brown of the dirt below me, and transparent white mist of the waterfall in front of me. Each color stands out drastically on the ones surrounding it. The pure beauty of the situation has me slowly letting my guard down. A sense of comfort fills me, starting at my toes, digging into the dirt, and ending at my fingertips, reaching for the sky. My eyes scan the surrounding area. I allow my feet to lead the rest of my body towards the beautiful water in front of me. All of the colors in the environment are being reflected off of the water. The colors and noise soothe me enough where I allow a smile to break through my walls.

With no warning, something grabs me by the arm and pulls be into a wall. Well, probably not a wall considering I'm in a forest. Outrage fills my body. Lacking better judgement, I spin around and remove myself from the tight grip I'm being held captive in. My eyes fly up, anger taking over, and I stare at the one object keeping me from the water. Technically, not an object considering said force is a male. The boy in front of me has a jacket on with the hood up. Shadows cover his eyes, but a smirk pulls at his lips.

"I do not know who you are, how you got into my dream, or what you want with me. I do know that I would like to go to that mesmerizing waterfall behind me. If you're here to prevent that from happening, I suggest you don't continue to try." Despite the anxiety ripping through me like an animal, I remain calm and formal as I speak.

Clearly, my answer takes him by surprise because the smirk on his face drops for a moment. Said moment is all I need. My legs begin to carry me towards the water once more, this time at a faster pace. Strength consumes my mind and I begin to stand up straighter. I just told someone off in a calm manner when I really wanted to cry. That's a step up for me.

Like dumping a glass of ice water upon a sleeping person, his voice startles me into shock. "Annabella, I have to advise not wandering any closer. It is getting progressively later into the morning and I cannot stand the thought of you missing your first day of school."

My body completely ceases all movement. He knew I was starting school? A stranger knew my name? I turn towards him once more, a skeptical look causing my eyebrow to raise. This man knew multiple details about me without me knowing anything about him.

A new voice pours from the air, seemingly not coming from anyone at all. My name fills the area, being shouted nice and clear. My mother's voice is the one calling for me, but she is nowhere to be found.

"Once more, I must advise you to not think. Relax your mind. Your mother is shouting for you in the real world and you must wake up. I will see you soon, my love. That is not something you must worry about." His voice causes me to focus upon the source of my confusion. The boy. I hear a sigh puff out of his full lips before he raises his hand and removes his hood. A pair of terrifying yet beautiful red eyes meet my own. The dream state around me fades away and soon his eyes are all I can see. "Goodbye, Annabella."

Red Eyes and RosesWhere stories live. Discover now