Chapter 8

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I woke up in the morning. Alone. He promised to never leave and he left me. Alone. I mean, I understand why he had to go. My mom was never going to let him stay here in bed with me all night. Even if he helped me sleep for the first time in a long time.

For the second day this week, I wake up with his red eyes on my mind. The door to my room opens as I play the past night through my head. We just layed here in this very bed and talked for hours until I fell asleep. My mom stands in my doorway, watching me with a smile.

"How'd you sleep, honey?" A hint of shock mixes in with the happiness. She knows how hard it is for me to sleep at night, so the fact that I fell asleep is phenomenal.

I stretch my body, a yawn being dragged out with my sleepy muscles. "I slept." There is little need for any other words. I pull myself out of bed and walk towards her. My arms wrap around her stomach, my forehead rests on her neck. She places her gentle arms around me too. Love and happiness fill the room as we hold onto each other. Today is the first day since the accident that I won't be home. It makes it worse that I almost died at school, the place I go today. "I'll be okay, mom. I promise." The whispered promises won't mean anything until I come home alive tonight.

Ember's loud footsteps fill my room as she latches on to my leg. I allow her giggles to soothe the tightness in my chest. Her extreme happiness makes me smile. No matter how scared and worried my mom and I may be, Ember's radiant innocence is enough to calm us from the storm.

I notice the tears glinting in my mom's eyes. She smiles down at her youngest daughter before turning back towards me. "Go get ready. Jocelyn will be here soon." She speaks with a small wobble in her voice, but releases the hold around me. I know she's nervous, but she also knows that I need to do it. I need to go back to school and face the fear of returning back to school.

My mom picks back up Ember and I walk around my room. Luke was in here last night. A very-unlike-me squeal jumps out of my mouth. I had a boy in my room! My body moves around and performs a little dance. I had a boy in my room!

Moments later, after I performed for my invisible audience, I check over my appearance in the mirror. Despite how mad Jocelyn was going to be, I was not going to dress up for school. My dark colored skinny jeans are complemented by the oversized white hoodie. Converse top off the outfit and I wear glasses over my ice eyes. No makeup, no heels, no effort. Comfortable, but still cute. Finally, I pull my hair up in a ponytail and walk out the door.

I barely make it to the top of the steps before my mom has my arm in hers. She leads me down the stairs like I'm actually injured. I allow my mom to take out her nervousness through me. In addition to allowing her to relax, it's relaxing me too. Having her hold me like she is.

"I love you, mom." I turn my head to look at her and am met with tears running down her face. Gently, I place a kiss on her cheek. The salty tears dampen my lips slightly. But I still offer her this small bit of comfort. It's the only thing I can do to help calm her down.

A car horn from outside knocks me out of my thoughts. The fact that she only honks once lets me know that she was worried. Usually, she has no hesitation to slam on the horn until I come outside. Today, her fear for my comfort fuels her thoughts and actions. From in here, I can sense her caution and fear. My mom isn't the only one scared to let me leave the house today.

I rush through the kitchen, grabbing an apple on the way. Even if Jocelyn wants to move slow, I do not. I want to get to school and knock that fear away. Placing a kiss on my mom and Ember's forehead, I run out the door. Jocelyn's beautiful car is sitting in my driveway. Jocelyn's beautiful smile is sitting in the driveway. I smile back and jump in over the door. Of course, because I have suddenly turned to glass, she panics the moment I'm not on the ground. Her beautiful, brown eyes widen in terror as I leap the door. As soon as I land in the seat just like I have a million times before, she exhales deeply. I laugh lightly at her worry. The car is filled with music as we go silent. There's nothing we need to say. She's worried to let me go to school. Just like my mom. I have no fear of going to school. Nothing can happen to me. Being in a safe building prevents me from death.

"Are we just going to sit here silently?" Jocelyn speaks over the radio with concern in her eyes. I have little to say. All I need to do is nod my head. "Annabella, you already know that I'm worried about you. I can't lose you," A tear pools in her eye. "You're my best friend."

A small smile crosses my face. "You're my best friend too. I promise that I'll be fine today. Besides, I have Luke!" There's a small smile on her face when I mention him. She knows how I feel about him.

The small giggle that fills the air comes from the girl in the driver's seat. "You really care about him?" For some reason, I'm offended that she even had to ask. "Now don't get mad! I'm only asking because he cares about you a lot." There's a sense of honesty in her voice and I cannot help but smile.

"Has he said he cares about me?" Happiness sparks inside my heart like a match. I care about him so much and it's only been four days. If he doesn't even feel similar I'm going to be crushed. Hence why they call it a crush.

I watch and laugh as her big eyes roll. "Oh dear! He doesn't have to say anything. The whole time you were in the hospital, he was there. The whole time you were off school, he was there. He sat with your sister and took her for ice cream." A small laugh escapes her next. "If he did not care about you, he wouldn't be waiting for you at the school door."

My head snaps out to look out over the door. I had not even realized that we were at the school. Luke's red eyes stand out to me from all the way over here. He smiles as soon as he sees the car. But I also notice another male smiling towards our car. Cole.

Jocelyn gets out of the car first before coming over and opening my door next. With gentle hands on my arm, she aids me out of the car. Luke's red eyes burn back towards us. As I look at him, I see roses. A dozen of the most beautiful red roses in the world. Happiness and sunshine crawl into the air. Cole's green eyes burn in my direction as well. As I look at him, I see trees. A forest full of tall, covering trees. Protection and safety fill my body. I knew one day that I would need to choose. Cole has always had feelings for me, but he's my brother. Luke hasn't been in my life for long, but he's my friend. I need both by my side in order to feel calm. In order to breathe.

My best friend makes eye contact with me, concern pooling in her brown eyes. She knows that I have to decide who to run to, who to allow in to my heart. I take a deep breath and walk forwards. 

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