Chapter 33

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We don't even make it down the hall before Cerin has me slammed against a wall. In a heated kiss, we share yet another intimate moment. I have noticed that, progressively, Cerin has been holding me like I can handle anything and less like I'm a glass doll. For example, he has my entire back pressed against a wall and his lips are on mine in what feels like a feverish attempt to possess my body. The kiss is long and deep, both of us fighting over who should take over. I can taste the alcohol on his lips- the burning taste of fireball hitting my tongue repeatedly- and I know that it is what fuels some of this aggression. It seems that not only can I not stand events like these, but he can't handle them without something stronger in the way.

When my breathing begins to come out short, Cerin pulls away and grabs my hand once more. This time we walk down the hall, no fear of running into someone since we're in the royal hallway, hand in hand. His eyes are ignited in flame and passion behind his mask. The red coloring matches my dress to the extreme, making us stand out as a pair in all of the mirrors we pass. Mirrors that weren't there this morning.

I turn towards the King just to find him looking at me already. "I asked the maids to pull as many mirrors as they could find and line the hallway with them. You don't see yourself as beautiful as I do so I was hoping that the constant reminder would help." He stops our walking in front of a large mirror. My reflection shines back at me. The blush to my face from our intense kisses, the sparkle in my eye from running through the halls, the regal lilt to my attire. Right above my head is a small note. I pull it down gently, careful not to rip the paper. Cerin comes up behind me and whispers the words from the note into my ear, "Beautiful. Everyday you've walked this castle you've only gotten more and more perfect. Whether it be in running clothes or a ball gown, you look stunning no matter what." My heart explodes in a flurry of emotions. I've never had anyone go to this level of extreme to make me feel loved. My mother does it in her own way, my friends do it in theirs. Cerin, though? Cerin threw me a ball and redecorated a hallway of the castle just for me.

I turn around to face him, a big smile on my face. I have grown dramatically since being here, since knowing the two men with red eyes. In confidence, in bravery, in strength. I'm no longer afraid to stand up for myself and fight for what I believe in. I'm no longer afraid to walk in front of a large crowd, all with their eyes on me. It feels as if I can take on the world. Both men have helped me to find myself and figure out who I am little by little. It is more clear now that my past doesn't define who I am, being abused doesn't make me weak. I have the strength to withstand a whole hell of a lot. Nothing has, can, or will break me from myself. Whether it be the mirrors that helped me see this or the constant reassurance, I realize it now.

I pull Cerin away from the mirror we're at before stopping at the next one. Each one has a little note on the top, a line of sweet nothings that manage to mean everything. Some tell me about my appearance while others tell me about my personality. Sparkling eyes and a contagious laugh. Perfect curves and an insane level of sass. There is untamed love in some of the notes, talking about my family and my heart, and others have a slight humor to them, telling me I'm sassy and slightly temperamental. I laugh at some and tear up at others. My heart soars higher and higher with each word I read. Cerin is silent beside me, holding my hand all the way.

We reach his room after a few minutes. He doesn't even ask before pulling me inside and shutting the door. I start to protest, saying how unprofessional this is. I should not be sharing a room with him since I am not his wife. Of course, he silences me quickly by reminding me about how I could not sleep last night. My face heats up instantly upon the confirmation that he knows about my restless evening and early morning run. He laughs at me like he typically does, making fun of my failed silence. Just like I did when we first met, I stick my tongue out at him. I can't help but to think about how much has changed. We went from hating each other with our entire body, mind, and soul to making out in the hallway and sleeping in the same bed. He was my first date. His family has held me as their own. It has been both absolutely amazing and absolutely horrible, but I wouldn't give up this time. They have changed me for the better and I feel as if I have helped them come closer to one another.

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