Chapter 9

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My brain powers my legs. The nervous system and all of that science. So, when my brain makes a decision, my heart doesn't have a say. The two different ideas plaguing my body fight for dominance. My brain wants to go to Luke. It'll always choose Luke. My heart wants to walk past them both. I should never have to decide between the two men in my life. Cole has been my best friend for years, but Luke is someone I'm falling for. The decision isn't one I should have to ever make. I love them each in their own way. I would rather die than have either get hurt. And now I'm the one who is going to cause pain.

Jocelyn rushes up to my side and loops her arm through mine. "Are you really going to choose one to go to?" The questioning look she shoots me is full of concern. Without me having to say anything, she knows that one of the two is going to be mad at me. There's no in between. I might lose someone important to me today.

"I don't think I have a choice. If I chose one, the other is mad at me," My eyes flick between the two. "If I chose neither, they both end up mad at me." I shrug gently and continue walking. Shortly, I have to make a decision. Luke is not far from where I'm standing now. I can walk to him or past him.

My best friends strong arm pulls me to a stop before her big, brown eyes turn towards me. "Just think first." I allow a sarcastic laugh to creep out. If I think, I'm going to end up upset. Someone is going to be mad at me. Someone is going to leave me. "Annabella, I know what you're thinking. You want to go to Luke. The guilt in your eyes lets me know that I'm right. But why don't we just pass them? I'll say we didn't see them."

All I do is shake my head. "Cole wasn't there for me all week. He has no right to get mad at me when I chose to walk into Luke's arms." I send a smile in the direction of the man I'm going to choose. From all the way over here, the relief that fills his eyes is evident. He knows I want to walk to him. He knows he's the one I choose. "Luke hasn't left my side. Jocelyn, he held me and I fell asleep. I don't sleep." The love I have been feeling fills me once more. Jocelyn smiles at me, but I can see sympathy in her eyes. She knows that I can't stand people being mad at me. But, because she's my best friend, I know she'll support me through all of this. I smile towards her before walking forward once more. She keeps our arms entwined as her offer of support. The smallest way to show that she will be by my side no matter what.

I don't even make it to Luke fully before I see Cole come storming in front of us. Steam would be pouring out of his eas if it could. His green eyes are nearly black in his anger. All directed at me. "Are you really going to him?" His head snaps back to shoot a disgusted look towards Luke. Luke who has also walked closer to us, nearing my side. "I've been your best friend for years. You're willing to throw that all away for this boy?" Tears begin to fall down my face. I knew I would hurt him, but I didn't realize just how much. Out of nowhere, I feel Luke's arm on my shoulder. His small way of support. New found strength wells up inside of me. Cole has no right to talk to me like this.

"Cole, where have you been? I almost didn't recognize you. Considering, you know, the fact that I haven't seen you all week while I was at home. Hurt." I watch in pleasure as pure hurt paints his face red. If he feels that he can yell at me like I'm nothing, I have all the right in the world to tell him my honest opinion on his idiocy. "Luke was at the hospital with me. Luke was at my house everyday. Luke was there by my side," I feel the arm that was on my shoulder snake around my waist, "through all of this."

There's shock evident in Cole's eyes. I never stand up for myself. Luke has helped me feel stronger, more worth it. I know that I'm not something to throw on the side of the road. I know that I'm not weak. I can fight for myself and I plan to from now on.

Cole's green eyes snap away from mine. Instead, they're directed towards Luke. His anger intensifies as soon as he sees the arm around my waist. I feel bad that I hurt him, but not bad enough to comfort him. It's not my fault. "Hey man, keep your anger to yourself! I did nothing to you." Luke's voice fills my ears and I turn once more. Cole is advancing closer to us. Red and green collide in a pissed off Christmas. Neither man has any trace of happiness or calmness on their face. They're mad.

"Cole!" I shout his name at him, successfully silencing the rest of campus. He doesn't stop moving, but he looks up at me. "Stop moving," I break free from Luke and Jocelyn in order to march forward, "or else we're done here." His body goes still as he looks at me. Surprise is written on his face, but he must see the determination on mine. "I can't be friends with someone who is willing to not be there for me one day, yet wants to fight the person who is."

For the first time in my life, I hold my stance. He can't intimidate me. I refuse to back down from him. "Annabella, you can't be serious." Anger and shock battle in his eyes. All I do is nod towards him. I'm more serious about this than anything I have been yet.

Jocelyn comes back up to my side and grabs my hand. "Cole, just go." Her voice is a whisper. Even she feels bad for him, but not bad enough. It wasn't anyone's fault but his own that he decided to try and attack Luke. She knows that, I know that.

I lean down to whisper to my best friend. "Jocelyn, go with him. I'm not ruining your friendship with him or your relationship with Olly." Her head snaps to me so fast that I'm scared she got whiplash. Eyes wide, she gapes at me. I nod towards Cole's retreating body. I refuse to allow it to be my fault that Jocelyn loses someone she loves. Even if I'm mad at both of the guys she cares about.

"Annabella Noelle, you really think I'm going to leave you?" A single tear falls down my face. "You're my best friend. If I have to choose, I'm always going to choose you." A tear falls down her face next. She cares. I grab her body in my arms and pull her close. She's my sister. I can't lose her. We stand and hold each other for a long time. Nothing nor anyone was going to be able to seperate us. We're on each other's side through thick and thin. I know she's upset, but she's still here. I know she's mad, but she's still here.

The yard is all silent, still staring at me. Yet, I'm not embarrassed. I did something that needed done. Luke, Jocelyn, and I begin walking back towards the school. "Alright ladies, let's get you to class before you miss anything else." His voice fills the air around us and my confidence soars. I have two great people by my side through all the fights and drama I cause. Truly, I am lucky.

Jocelyn and I laugh slightly at his words before continuing our walk in silence. As we enter the halls, the students part for us. Whispers slice through the air like a knife, but I don't look down. Inside, I may be freaking out. Outside, I remain strong. There's so much support lifting me up that I know I'll be okay. No matter what these strangers say, it can't hurt me. They don't know me, they don't know what happened. I am strong and in control.

We stop at my locker on the way. Jocelyn comes closer and kisses my cheek. "I don't have this class with you. Promise you'll be safe?" Worry floods her voice. I nod and hug her once more. She has first period with Cole. I already know that she plans on talking to him about what happened. I can just hope it goes well. She places another kiss on my cheek before leaving for class.

Luke stands by my side and stares at me. We have English together. I grab my books before turning towards him. With no hesitation, I slam my lips on his. 

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