Chapter 34

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"You all need to stop. This is not your decision to make! If I want to fight, if I want to protect the people I care about, I can. I don't give a damn if you think that I should stay locked inside like a princess in her tower. Contrary to common beliefs, I am my own person. No one but I have a say in what I can and cannot do." My voice rings out over the family with a new authority. I know that I lack any position in this castle besides guest but I still speak up. If I don't then I lose my battle. All I have done is cause drama and problems for this family. They don't need me here. "It is not up to you whether I give myself up to keep you all safe." I realize that I should have stopped speaking before I gave my closing argument. The whole clan remained silent until I mentioned leaving.

Cerin is the first to speak up. By laughing. The room fills with his booming laughter and everyone else goes quiet. "Annabella, you're ridiculous." My jaw drops. I'm the ridiculous one? He's the one thinking that he can trap me in this castle when it's my family outside. Not his. The thought of my family being out there, waiting to fight for me, brings tears to my eyes. I love them more than life. Never in a million years will I ever allow them to die for me. Even with the knowledge that Luke would never let my mom, Ember, and Jocelyn anywhere near the actual fighting, it's not enough. Someone could pull off a sneak attack and kill them. My life would be over.

I feel Luna's hand on my back. Her green eyes burn into the sides of my head. Yet, I am unable to convince myself to look at her. She's on Cerin's team in all of this. She thinks I should stay locked inside with her. She thinks I should behave like the princess she is. But I am no princess. I am an average girl with a tragic backstory. One that has made me quite good at breaking rules.

Abruptly, I shoot up from my chair. The loud crash is enough to silence the whole family in to glaring at me. "If it was your family out there, would you fight? Would you fight to protect them from harm? Would you fight to keep them alive and by your side?" My eyes glance around the room, taking in the people who have welcomed me into their home. I don't even have to let them answer. Guilt fills their different colored eyed and I know that I'm right. "That's what I would and will do. My baby sister could be out there on the sidelines. If someone came and tried to hurt her, I would die. My family has been my lifeline. I refuse with everything I have to let them die. After everything that occured with my dad, my mom was there to hold me. Through the nightmares, the panic, the pain. My sister wouldn't leave my side when I was home from the hospital after the car incident. She played on my lap, she slept on my lap, she ate on my lap. Those two people have held me and warmed me when I was so low that I couldn't get out of bed. Nothing that you say or do is going to be enough to stop me." I can feel the tears running down my face. How did everything go so badly so fast? Waking up in Cerin's arms was an amazing feeling. A feeling I would love to experience again and again. But now? Now I'm sitting around a table arguing that I plan to risk my life to keep everyone safe. We went from happy and safe to angry and fearful. No one knows what is going to happen and no one will.

Everyone stays silent. I remain on my feet, anger keeping me strong. The family stares at me. Pain and sorrow fill Mrs. Asmodeus and Luna's matching green eyes. What I said hit a spot. If given the choice, both would be out there defending their sons and brothers. Of course, they're unable to do that considering their position in this world. As princess and mother, neither have a say in that they do and when. Both have to follow orders since they're needed in this place. On the other hand, I am not. Cerin and the rest of the family might argue, but I am not mandatory to Hell's well being. My role here is guest. A guest who is causing problem after problem. I am not a princess or a queen.

Slowly, from across the table, Cerin rises to his feet. His red eyes blaze in anger. But I'm ready for it. I'm ready for him to argue and never stop. But I'm also ready to win. I'm strong too. "I do not know what has gotten into you, but I do know that you're insane. You're a crucial part of our lives now. For the first time in a long time, I woke up happy. That was because of you. You alone have the power to calm me from a storm and center my head. You alone have the power to collect my family into your heart. You alone have the power to change lives. Our lives." The rest of the family gives me a look. One look mixed with concern and agreement. I know I lost. Somehow I have locked into all of their hearts and I cannot escape.

I smile around at them all. Their decision has been made. Yet, I don't care. I'm going to help no matter what it takes. "I may be important to you all, but imagine how I am to my family. I need them. They need me. This whole conversation has not been me asking to help in the war, it's me telling you I am."

Cerin's ever changing eyes darken to maroon. Anger and frustration turns them darker than I have ever seen them. His family shrinks down into their seats slightly, yet I remain standing. Ice and fire battle for what feels like the hundredth time. I seem to constantly end up in arguments with the red eyed men in my life.

The door to the dining hall slams open. One of the castle's guards comes rushing in with a slight panicked look on his face. We all turn to stare directly at him so he stands taller before relaying his announcement. An announcement that can and will change our lives faster than he knows. "There's a large group of people outside demanding Annabella be sent to them."

Our entire hall erupts into a battle. The only one with a solid plan is me.

My feet take off out of the door and down the hallways. The sound of my bare feet slapping the ground keeps me centered into my goal and plan. I can feel my dress blowing around me, but I can still run quite fast. Nothing but reaching the closest window occurs to me. Not even the fact that I could just run outside right now.

I reach the glass and press my face on it like a child would. Luke, Cole, and a hundred some soldiers stand littering the lawn. Each one is equipped with swords and guns. They're here and ready to fight.

The sound of voices from down the hall piques my interest. Once more, I take off to figure out more information on how I can defend those I love. My ears lead me down hall after hall. A door stands slightly ajar with voices pouring out of it. No hesitation, no panic, no fear. I bust into the room and see an upclose picture of the people outside. There's another box on the screen. This one contains words.

"Annabella and all of Hell,

Be prepared to fight. I want my girl back.



The room busts open once more and the air suddenly fills with anger. Without even having to look, I know the Asmodeus family is positioned behind me. My legs gave out from under me and I collapse to the ground. New tears fill my eyes as I stare at the screen. I know that so many people are going to die today. I know that I'm going to lose someone I care about. "They're here."

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