Chapter 18

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Two gasps of adoration are followed by my gasp of hatred. For the past hour, Luna and the Queen have been attempting to find a dress that I approve of. Luna and her mother remind me of Jocelyn and my mother. Both sets have the same vision for me while I am on a completely different page. For some unknown reason, both older ladies have the same fashion sense as the eighteen year old. I'm the one asking for a much more modest gown and the scrap of blue fabric on my body is barely long enough to be considered a shirt.

I'm still shaking my head no when Luna's feminine groan fills my head. "Come on, Annabella! Picture this with some fishnet tights and matching blue heels. Cerin won't be able to keep his eyes off of you, much less his hands!" Her one green eye closes in a wink at the mention of her brother and I.

"All the more reason to never wear this dress ever again!" I all but growl in frustration as I attempt to remove the fabric without tearing it. "I want something modest! Longer than my genitals please." Both women in here giggle at the mention of my lower region and from watching me attempt to remove the dress from my body. I shoot them both an icy glare, causing them to laugh louder. Soon even I'm smiling as I watch them interact.

Luna looks so much like her mother. With long black hair and bright green eyes, she has the complexion of her mother at a younger age. She's short just like me and full of personality just like Jocelyn. Her pale skin stands out dramatically against the black gown she has on, accenting all of her curves and beauty. More than anything, she has the regallity of a proper Princess. Even her laugh has a feminine ring to it. It is obvious from the way she holds herself that she was raised in a castle as a Princess. Her smile, her demeanour, her dress. Every single thing about her screams feminine and perfect.

A dress is thrown at me from across the room, landing on my head. I'm still wearing the blue thing, but I am more than ready to take it off. I rush to the bathroom, throwing the blue dress to the floor as I enter. Laughter fills the room behind me as I close the door.

I don't even look at the dress before I pull it on over my head. Despite the fact that I have gained confidence due to last summer's changes, I still hate looking in the mirror while I'm undressed. My back is laced with scars from an outside force, but my wrists and thighs are laced with them from my own doing. Gently, I run my right hand down my left wrist. The scars on my body are a memory from my past, from my pain. They remind me of who I am and what I've faced.

I shake my head to clear the thoughts pooling. For the first time, I raise my eyes and look in the mirror. A quiet gasp leaves my lips. A dark red gown covers my body in a way that shows the curves of my waist and hips. The sleeves are draped across my chest, leaving my shoulders and collarbones completely bare. The hem falls just before my knees, puffing out in a twirlable fabric.

"Hurry up, honey!" The Queen's voice fills the bathroom, snapping me from my thoughts. "We want to see the dress!"

Luna mumbles after her mother, "Yes, and find out if you finally like one."

I throw the door open and drape myself in the doorway. With one leg popped out and my head thrown backwards, I twirl my original shirt in my hand. Whistles and laughter pour through the room at my fake, sexy pose. I pull myself up right and strut through the room with a smirk on my face. My hips swing with my steps, my hair whips around my face. Once I reach the two females watching me, I strike a pose.

A smile is wide on my face as I stand up and look at the two in front of me. Silence. Silence. Silence. Until a squeal pours out of Luna's lips and a smile pulls at the Queen's. Both woman walk around me, verifying my appearance in the dress. When they reach my front once more, smiles cover their faces. I nod my head as a silent way of saying I approve of the dress. Both females nod with me. Luna walks back to the closet, leaving me alone with the Queen.

Her smile remains on her face as she reaches her hands out to mine. "Remember what I said earlier. Luna loves you already. Please don't hurt them." I can feel the motherly love for her kids just from the look in her eyes. Slowly, I realize that she's alone here. I have not heard her mention a husband. Gently, I pull her closer to my body and wrap her in a tight hug. She's slightly taller than I am so she feels when I nod my head. Her arms tighten around me and squeeze me slightly. I back up from her grasp and nod once more.

Luna returns from the closet, a pair of black heels in hand. Not too tall, not too thin. Her face is covered in a smile as she hands me the shoes. "This is the dress and these are the shoes." I smile and accept her offer, my silent way of agreeing. "Great! Time for hair and makeup!" My laughter fills the room as Luna's hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me to the closet.

"I call doing her makeup!" The Queen's words are followed by a giggle.

Oh boy. 

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