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So now all that was over, I tried not to cry about everything and I'm holding back the tears, I just stood silent and Lacey just Looks at me.
Lacey: "You look embarrassed"
Me: "Yeah I am actually"
Lacey: "Well.... Why? This isn't your fault"
Me: "Because I feel like I caused this"
Lacey: "But you didn't, she had some explaining to do from Day 1, everyone knew she was cheating on Chris with him, everyone knew"
Me: "Well I didn't know until I saw them together that night"
Lacey: "Well Exactly"
Me: "But what I did made him look like a idiot and he did not deserve that, if I knew I should've told him but I didn't"
Lacey: "You were angry because he chose her over you that's a normal reaction, I'm sure he would understand that the choice he made was stupid now"
Me: "Yeah, sure he will realise... when he learns to accept he is wrong first"
Lacey: "True, normally he's the brain box who thinks he knows everything and thinks he's right about everything"
Me: "That's Exactly What I mean Lacey"
Lacey: "Yeah"
Then I hear a knock on my door when I finished helping the kids get dressed, Lacey opens the door and low and behold it's Mr. Know It All, Mr. I Know Everything..... Chris.
Lacey: "What do you want?"
Chris: "I want to talk to your sister"
Lacey: "Well she don't wanna speak to you, you broke her heart when you choosen velvet over her"
Chris: "Wait.... She had feelings for me?"
Lacey: "Why so Surprised? Don't act Dumb, she had feelings for you from Day 1, everyone knew that, including the whole TNA roster"
Chris was surprised but now he's the one embarrassed not me, he looked down in shame and I just watched Lacey and I told her to watch the kids while I talk to him instead.
I know he broke my heart but I wanna let out how I real feel, my heart is blue without with.
I can't see myself not being with him, he's the one weather he hurt my heart or not and I think I know this now.

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