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So I did become even more better in the ring and I did not let anyone mess with me but I won the Knockouts Tag Team Titles with Velvet Sky the girl I just hate right now but it's ok.
If I can just forget about Chris and the spark that I had then I will be okay, that's all that matters right now me and mine and no body else.
Lacey: "Congrats on the big win sis"
Me: "Thanks Sis"
Lacey: "No problem"
(I smile)
Lacey: "So about this Chris guy?"
Me: "I really don't wanna talk about him to be honest and I'm over it, I know he does not love me the way I love him so I'm done thinking about him"
Lacey: "Oh.... Sorry sis"
Me: "It's Fine I mean this is the woman who lost all faith in love after getting beat up by her ex Husband and left with his two kids to take care of, I will never be happy again and I have to accept that Lacey"
Lacey: "Don't talk like that, you will find love again, you really will be happy again"
Me: "Yeah right, just as possible as winning the lottery"
Lacey: "Trust me, you will thank me later"
At The Moment I am happy doing what I'm doing right now and I wouldn't have it any other way, I love doing my job right now and I have always been a fan of all things glamours too and I never want this to end, I love this so much.
My kids seem even more happier about me being happy too, everyone around me is happy right now, I honestly do not need Chris to make me happy right now.
I love family and my friends and I have their support I couldn't ask for anything anymore than this and this is all I have ever wanted and Lacey knows how long I have waited for this and I'm not letting anything get in the way of my happiness and she knows I that I will not let this happen.

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