Chapter 42

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May's POV

Jason starts to untie me. I've never been happier to see that kid in my life. He starts to look at my leg, and his eyes are saucers. "Jesus." I slightly smile as he unties the last knot. We stand up and wait for the others to be done, and I hug Jason. It's been so long since I've seen him, he's the only family that I have left really. One misses that person if they are gone for a long period of time.

Everyone gets untied and we start to walk out. "Where do you think you people are going." Shazbot, we are dead, so dead. "I don't believe I gave you permission to leave." My tech teacher stands in the door. There was silence while we stood there frozen in fear. "So there's the door." Ricky whispered just loud enough for us to hear. "No one cares right now Ricky." Derek said trying to shut him up. Mr. Larson leaves the room, and Sheila takes his place. A few minutes later, he returns with a remote. "You want to know what's been keeping these rats alive?" We all slowly nod our heads. "You see, I've implanted these devices that makes their blood clot quicker. This allows us to take more longer. However, if I press this button here, than the machine will slowly deteriorate, causing them to bleed out."

Fear consumes me, if he presses that button, we will be dead. Everyone is paralyzed, not knowing when he would press it. "Of course, it kills slowly. Quick isn't fun enough." That right there, is a sick twisted man. There is so many things that can go wrong right know. If we make a run for it we die, and if we don't we die. When did death become so popular? "I'll take him." A girl yelled. When did another girl her here? "Tex don't." Okay, so apparently there are two strange girls here and one of them is named Tex. Yet, wouldn't expect anything less from these guys.

Suddenly, I remember Ian telling Mitch to call the police, surely if he does press the button, they'll be here in time. If they don't, then I hope Mr. Larson goes to jail eating mashed radishes, so I can laugh while I'm flying in the clouds doing back flips. That would fun.

Eventually, Tex doesn't listen to the stranger, and attacks Mr. Larson. The rest of us try to make a run for it, only to be blocked by Sheila. "I'm sorry but I can't let you leave." She said holding the same control as our former tech teacher. There was a high pitch scream, and Tex is now unconscious. "TEX!" Ian yelled trying to run towards her. Dang, how much did we miss? Mr. Larson then pushed the button, and I fell to the ground from the pain. Sheila then pushed the same button, causing blood to pour out of the wound. I couldn't tell if there were sirens, or if it was the extreme ringing in my ears. I felt someone lifting me up, frantic screaming, then nothing; absolutely nothing.

A/N Oh My God this took soooooo long to write. I didn't want to leave another chapter in a cliff hanger again, and I had to expand the chapter. (I'm sorry if that made it choppy.) Another note... 2.95 READS!!!! OHMYGERDTHANKYOUGUYSSOMUCH!YOUGUYSARESOAWESOME!!!

Now, thumb, step away from the caps lock button... Oh My God you people are awesome and awesome and what's the word...AWESOME!

Me - Hey, thumb what did I say about the caps locks button?

Thumb - To keep pressing it because it is the most awesome thing ever and is the best way to show excitement through typing.

Me - You may of own this round, but I will be back!

Wow...what has my life become.

In all seriousness guys, thank you so much and I love you all!


<3 Leedlesorus

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