Chapter 25

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May's POV

Jason just sent us out of the car. The last time he got this angry was when the kids at school where picking on me. Well that was in 5th grade. Now, that didn't make them stop, it still went on for another 3 years or so. I just never told him.

We were in a hotel parking lot, clever Jason. There were some trees so I started to walk over and sat on the stump. I sighed and put my head in my hands. 'This is going to a fun' I say to myself. I was thinking on how this could get any worse, when Ricky sat next to me.

"Go away Richard." I was angry so I used his full name. As I lifted my head up, he looked like he was going to punch me. "Don't look at me like that. It's your fault that this is happening." He was shocked. "How is this my fault." Oh now I was mad.

"Well first, you brought up the conversation. Second, you opened up your big mouth about to Jason. Third, you kept speaking AND GOT US KICKED OUT OF THE DAMN CAR!" I yelled the last part, causing Derek and Sarah to look at us. I then turn to Ricky and I can tell he's going to cry. "Well, one there's no reason to yell. Two, it's you fault for dating Derek in the first place. And three, WE ALL GOT OURSELVES KICKED OUT OF THE DAMN CAR!"

My face must be red with a mix of anger and upsettingness. (I'm aware that's probably not a word :]). "And further more." He continues. "It's your fault for this whole problem. I don't know what you did to Mr. Larson to make him hate you, but I know you did something. If you didn't do anything, then our parents and siblings would still be alive and we wouldn't be in the mess!"

He blames me for everything. "What do you think that I could've done Rick, eh? What could I have possibly done to Rick him off that much?" he becomes silent. I don't think he knows how stupid he sounds. I do nothing in that class.

Tears are running down my face and the same with him. "All I know if that if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess. You know it's your fault and you just don't want to admit it!"

That's it, I throw a punch to his face.

Jason's POV

As soon as the kids leave the car I plop down on a seat. I can't think straight. Did I over react to this. "Guys, so you think I over reacted to this?" everyone nods. Crap. I really down it now.

"Do you think that she'll forgive me?" they pause. I wanted my sister to be happy, but I didn't want her to have a boyfriend. It's just, if the situation was not like this, then maybe I wouldn't be thinking like this. If she likes him, then I guess it's alright.

"I don't know dood. I mean you went crazy on her." Ian said. He's right, I over reacted big time. After a couple minutes of silence I speak. "I don't know what I was doing. I guess I just got over protected. She's the only family that I have left, that's close to me. I just hope she can forgive me."

I feel a tear go down my cheek, and I feel a hand on my shoulder as I wipe away the tear. It was Ty's. "She will dood." We all smile, until we hurt screams of anger. Shortly after screams of pain. "Oh God." We say in a unison.


I'm so sorry for not updating. I hate writers block. I'm going to post one or two more chapters today. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!


<3 Leedlesorus

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